The truth

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Gato and Hotaru's father finally opened his eyes. He looked around the room and his gaze finally settled on his children. He gulped slightly and sighed with a sad look in his eyes.
"Gato, there's something I didn't tell you," Mr. Futaba said. "Your mother's death was against my will."
"We know..." Gato said softly, much to his surprise. "We saw why."
Mr. Futaba's eyes widened in shock. His heart started racing as he realised what happened.
"What did I do?" Mr. Futaba asked, fearing himself. "What did the monster do?!"
Maxima suddenly snickered and came towards him with his phone. He had recorded whatever that happened while Gato's father was still possessed and downloaded it into his phone. He showed him the video.
And that's when he realised that he was still tied up.
"Let me go!" Mr. Futaba demanded. "I don't want to hurt you! I need to leave before it comes back!"
"Dude, chill," Ash's said with a smirk, throwing the empty chip bag aside. "You're cured."
"I am?" Mr. Futaba said in surprise.
"Yes," Elisabeth said. "I've neutralised the darkness in you."
He still looked doubtful and scared. Hotaru suddenly hugged him.
"Father!" Hotaru exclaimed. "You're gonna be okay."
He attempted to wriggle out of her hug. He was still tied up, and failed miserably.
"Hotaru, please!" Mr. Futaba pleaded. "Let me go! I don't want to hurt you. I'm trying to protect you!"
"You've been cured, Monsieur Futaba," Elisabeth said gently. "Gato, untie him."
Gato did and put the rope aside.
"Tell me, what really happened that day?" Gato asked, sitting on the bed.
"Hold up, I'm running out of popcorn," Krizalid suddenly said. "Do you guys have extra?"
Iori apparently had some in his room and they actually went to get it. To everyone's surprise, Mr. Futaba patiently awaited their return.
"Wow you guys actually waited?!" Iori said, entering in surprise. "Sorry guys. Mr. Futaba, start!"
And so he did.

Just like any other day, Mr. and Mrs. Futaba were at their home while their children was out. Gato was out of town on a business trip while Hotaru was at school.
Mrs. Futaba was cooking in the kitchen when her husband came in. He watched her cook before scooping her into a backward hug.
"What's cooking, yome?" Mr. Futaba asked, eyeing the pot on the stove. "Smells delicious! Almost like you."
"Otto..." Mrs. Futaba said, lightly swatting him off. "Stop that! Let me cook."
He chuckled and went to the dining room instead. He sat down and began to read the day's newspaper.
Mr. Futaba suddenly felt giddy, followed by his vision blurring. He gripped his head as a splitting headache made its way into his brain. He suppressed a scream and just sat there, breathing heavily.
That was the last thing he remembered before waking up to his wife's dead body in his arms. In shock. He let go of the lifeless body and backed away in fear.
He eventually crawled towards her to see if she was okay, and examined her only to see that she was dead.
He didn't know how she died, but he knew that he was behind it.
He just knew.
Suddenly, the sound of the gate was heard. It was Gato, no mistaking that.
Mr. Futaba instantly got up and fled, fearing that he might even unwillingly kill his entire family without even knowing it.
Gato walked into the house, after a week in Washington, and the first thing he saw was his mother's lifeless body.
And a lock of black hair gripped in her hand. He knew that it wasn't hers or Hotaru's hair since they both had a slight blueish hue to them under light.
But this lock of hair was like his, brownish black. And he knew that it was his father's since there were even a few strands of grey.
Gato ran out onto the street and looked at the junction down the road. He could just about make up the faint figure of his father running away.
He immediately set out to hunt and kill him. He still had his bag and belongings from the business trip and didn't even bother to pack.

Hotaru returned from school and let herself in. She walked into the house and stared in shock. She let her backpack limply drop onto the ground and ran to her mother.
There was no sign of anyone there.
Her father was gone, her brother seemingly hadn't returned, but the front door was left ajar.
Itokatsu had crawled out of his kennel and saw that Mrs. Futaba was dead. She was the only person close to him besides Gato and his father. For some reason, the little marten seemed to be distant from Hotaru.
Until now.

Mr. Futaba had no idea what came over him. He realised that these flashes of darkness came and went without warning. He decided that it was best for him to isolate himself from everyone and live alone.
He was sad to leave his family, buy thought it was for the best. He couldn't risk killing his entire family without even knowing it. He will never be able to forgive himself if that ever happens.

"So that's why I left," Mr. Futaba said. "I don't want to risk hurting anyone."
"Okay, that makes sense and all, but why did you leave Gato behind in Kain's crumbling mansion?" Terry asked, suddenly coming in. "Like, that part doesn't make any sense."
"That wasn't canon, remember?" Gato said. "If it was, I'd be blind."
"Why does none of this make any sense?" K' said, sounding annoyed.
"Because it's KOF," Krizalid said with a shrug. "Anything can happen here."
Which kinda made sense because no one predicted that the dead contestants would come back alive after the fourteenth tournament.
And no one expected anything that happened over the years.
"So I guess this is case closed," Iori said, stretching himself. "Alright, I'm hungry. Let's go get dinner."
One by one, they left the room, leaving only the Futabas, Elisabeth, Ash and Saiki.
"That was fun, Monsieur Futaba," Ash said. "Betty, what do you think?"
"Glad that I was able to help you, Monsieur," Elisabeth said graciously. "It is my duty to eliminate darkness in this world."
"Gato, who is this woman?" Mr. Futaba asked. "She seems very polite, and noble."
"I am a noblewomen," Elisabeth said. "You may know me as Elisabeth Blanctorche."
"I'm sorry, but why did you help me?" Mr. Futaba asked. "I don't even know you."
"Father, this is who I'm dating now," Gato said with a grin. "We only started dating yesterday, thanks to Ash."
"Thanks to me," Ash said with a smirk. "Anyway, rest, Monsieur Futaba. You're gonna need it."
He left the room with Saiki and went downstairs to have a snack.

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