The Arrival

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Two men stood waiting at a secluded place. One was slim and had long blond hair, contrasting his friend, who was a tall beefcake with short black hair with a Judo headband tied around his head.
"Are you sure they're landing here?" The blond man asked. "If he is, he's taking forever..."
"He says he's almost here," the muscular man said, reading the messages from his friend. "Wait... he said he's above our heads!"
"What...?" The blond man said, looking up to see nothing. "That liar..."
To their surprise, a big spaceship materialised on top of them. It moved forward a little and landed in front of them.
"Whoa he wasn't kidding when he said we'd be blown away!" The Judoka said. "They literally stole one of their high-tech spaceships!"
"It may not be him," the blond man said, his hair standing on its ends. "It may be aliens. Maybe even them."
"You may be right," said the man with headband. "Lets see."
The spaceship's large door opened. The door hit the ground with a thud, creating a cloud of sand, like sort of a slope.
Two men walked out together. The two outside stared at them in shock.
"Goro, please tell me this is a dream," the blond said, not taking his eyes away from the two men walking out. "Goro? Goro!"
Goro was staring at them, open-mouthed. His usually small eyes were bulging like those of a frog's.
His blond friend had to give him an electric shock to bring him back to reality.
"Kyo?" The blond asked. "What's this? Is that the real Yagami or is it a clone?"
"I'm definitely the one and only Iori Yagami, Benimaru," the red head said. "And this is the real Kyo too."
"Is he hypnotised?" Goro asked. "Kyo, what did you do to him?"
"I didn't do anything," said Kyo. "Yagami just became like this."
"What's up with your eyes?" Benimaru asked. "They're usually reddish, but why are they blue?"
"These are my natural eyes," said Iori. "They were red thanks to the Orochi stuff."
"Wait what?" Benimaru asked, confused. "You lifted the curse?"
Iori started laughing with a hand on his face.
"It's the same Yagami alright," said Goro. "No one else can laugh like that."
"Wait where are the others?" Kyo asked, turning around to look inside the spaceship. "What's taking them so long?"
"It would've been nice if you helped," a white-haired boy came, carrying lots of baggage. "Oh look, your friends are here."
"Since when did you become friends?" The blond asked again. "Kyo, you owe us an explanation."
"You got everything, Isolde?" Another young man said, coming out with a silver-haired girl and lots of baggage too. "I can't carry more."
"I'm carrying everything I can, Zayn," the girl said. "The others will help."
"Oi!" Benimaru exclaimed, pointing at the couple. "What's going on? Aren't you working for NESTS or something?"
"Not anymore," said the young man. "I've got Isolde, and that's all I need."
"Gosh, I shouldn't have brought this much of stuff!" A man said, walking out with a big stack of stuff.
The man was carrying so much stuff that only his hair could be seen.
"Max, I thought you were gonna help me?" The man said, turning his head towards the spaceship. "Max? Whoa! Oww!"
He lost his footing and rolled off the slope and fell on the sand.
"Kriz, are you okay?" Zayn asked. "You fell down pretty hard there."
"Well that's what he gets for bringing that much of stuff," the white-haired guy said in an annoyed tone. "You're bring a whole apartment with you..."
"My car is on the way too," said Krizalid, getting up. "It will be here in a few days."
"I have no idea what the heck is going on right now," Benimaru said, scratching his head. "Goro?"
"I dunno too," said Goro. "We need to ask them later."
"Okay, that's the last of it," another big guy said, coming out with lots of baggage. "Oh my, Kriz. What happened to you?"
"I'm fine," said Krizalid, dusting himself. "Just had a fall. Come on, guys. Lets call for a car."
"We need a really big one," said K'. "Probably a separate one just for Krizalid's stuff."
"Yeah very funny," Krizalid said, collecting his stuff. "At least help me, guys."
"Okay okay," said Zayn said, coming to help. "I have the least stuff, considering I didn't even pack..."
"Hey don't forget me!" Foxy said, running out with a few bags. "Maxima, how dare you leave me behind?"
"Nameless, could you at least tell us?" Benimaru asked. "Please, don't leave us in the dark, anymore."
"Please just call me Zayn," Zayn replied. "It's way better than having no name."
"You guys brought your car?" Kyo asked and Goro nodded, pointing to Benimaru. "Great, then we'd explain on the way."
"Well you better," said Goro. "Or else, blondie here would blow his hair off his head with electricity!"
They laughed as they followed their friends to their car.
"Well, the two of them just ditched us," said Maxima. "You already called for a car, Dash?"
"Yeah, I have," said K', annoyed. "They're two minutes away."
They locked the spaceship and turned it invisible before going to the main road to wait for the car.
"It's a good thing I called for the biggest car," said K' going towards the car with his friends. "Your baggage would probably take the spots of three people, Kriz..."
"Hey I was planning to settle in Ireland okay?" Krizalid said. "You can't expect me to move with baggage like Zayn and Isolde, can you? Seriously, how did you two even survive for more than two weeks with so little baggage?"
"A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do," said Isolde. "I guess the same thing goes for Zayn too."
"Yep," her boyfriend said, putting an arm around Isolde. "But I have you. That's more than enough."
"Here we go again," Maxima said with a chuckle. "Anyway, Diana gave you the keys right?"
"Yeah she did," said Foxy. "The others would only arrive tomorrow right?"
"Yep," said Maxima. "They're still flying over Europe."
"It's a pity they couldn't come with us," said Zayn. "That plane takes hours!"
"Well, Kula insisted she went with the ninjas, and Honoka," said K'. "So the others accompanied her. Seriously, Iori made a move on Honoka?"
"He did, didn't he?" Maxima said with a chuckle. "That's something new, don't you think?"
"Very new," said Krizalid. "He was completely different back from when the first time I saw him."
"Probably because of the Orochi curse," said K'. "His eyes turned blue too. He's actually a really nice guy, to be honest. Just that his blood was... weird..."
"Makes sense, I guess," said Zayn. "Anyway, how long more? I'm kinda tired."
"Yeah same," said Krizalid. "I just wanna take a shower and rest. How long more, Max?"
"Not much," said Maxima. "Just around the corner."

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