The second spy date

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The K' team left the BOF members off at South Town.
"You sure you guys don't wanna stay?" Kyo asked.
"Sorry, dude, but we have something," Iori said. "I've gotta return a favour for K'. I'll be back tonight, don't worry."
"Tonight?" Terry asked, meeting up with them. "South Town tonight or Tokyo Tonight?"
"Tokyo tonight," Iori said. "That's South Town morning."
"You guys will be back in time, right?"
"Sure we will," Iori said with a grin. "You can count on it. Come on, Aiko."
They reentered the spaceship and flew back too Tokyo.
"Buddy, I owe you big time," K' said as Zayn locked the spaceship door. "It's gonna be hard for you to go back before the performance. Do you really wanna come?"
"Of course!" Iori said. "It's fun! And besides, I'm just doing what you did for me."
"But we didn't have to rush for a performance!" Krizalid argued. "Iori, are you sure about this?"
Iori just laughed.
"Sure it is," Iori said.
"Yeah especially since you actually beat Benimaru up," Aiko said with a grin. "It was wrong, but it was still satisfying to watch. Especially after he insulted our family!"
"It actually felt good..." K' admitted. "It was really satisfying, I have to admit."
Zayn laughed from the front and before they knew it, they were back in Tokyo.

"Alright, what time is he leaving?" K' asked Krizalid when they met up at Iori's house.
"At seven," Krizalid said. "Zayn, what time is Diana leaving?"
"Around the same time," Zayn said.
"Good," K' said. "We'll get ready by then."
"Where's Kula?" Aiko asked. "And where's Isolde?"
The K' team started laughing.
"What's up?" Iori asked. "What did you guys do?"
"Well, as it turns out, the two of them are on Foxy's side," Seirah said. "Or to be exact, Diana's side. They actually did their share of spying and Foxy thinks that both of them are made for each other."
"So they think that there's no need for spying," Zayn said.
"Even Kula?" Aiko asked, surprised.
"Even Kula," K' confirmed. "So yeah. I'm just glad that Kriz is not on Foxy's side. Hey, you guys know that they're a thing?"
"Says who?" Krizalid retorted. "We just had that dance together at Rig's party, that's all." 
"Good," Zayn said, patting Krizalid's shoulder. "I'm Isolde's guy, but I'm still on Max's side. I've noticed how he has become absent minded after he started dating her. It wouldn't matter if you really were Foxy's boyfriend, we wouldn't mind."
"Nah," Krizalid said with a chuckle. "She's a really bad dancer. She stepped on my foot more than twice. And no. We were not doing one of those duet dances. We just danced for fun and she stepped on my foot!"
"Legend says that was intentional," Iori said with a grin. "What happened after that?"
"He just joined Max and me," Seirah said with a shrug. "Foxy ditched him and hung out with Diana instead."
"That makes sense," K' said. "I saw them snacking at the buffet."
Maxima phoned K' to ask where they were.
"We're with Iori," K' replied. "We're hanging out at his place."
"Yeah have fun getting ditched!" Krizalid said near K's ear, grinning.
"Stop that, you're deafening me," K' said, annoyed. "Yeah we won't be back till tonight, Max. Actually, no. We won't be back till Sunday. We're going to South Town."
"Wait what?!" Maxima shouted in surprise. The call wasn't in speaker mode, but everyone in the room heard him. "Did you guys even pack?"
"Yep," K' said, glancing at their baggage near the front door. "We're going in our spaceship. We'll pick you up later, together with Kula and Isolde. Okay?"
"Okay," a Maxima replied before bidding goodbye.
"Phew, that was a close one," K' said, hanging up. "Okay, lets get to work."
"First thing's first," Aiko said. "Disguise."
So they made a few plans and had lunch together. After that, they started preparing for the disguise.
"I'm hungry..." Krizalid said at exactly six-thirty.
"You're always hungry..." K' said, annoyed. The fact that he too was hungry was given away by a sudden rumbling noise.
"K'... you're hungry too," Seirah said, putting a hand on her brother's shoulder. "We should eat something."
"You shouldn't deny your hunger, K'," Aiko advised. "We'll have something light and then have a proper dinner wherever the couple eats."
K' begrudgingly agreed to go with the idea. Well, come on. He was actually starving but just didn't want to admit.
So they rushed over to the nearest convenience store and bought some karaage.
"Okay, Aiko and I will wait in front of your apartment in my bike," Iori said. "We'll follow them and see where they go."
"Aight," K' said. "Kriz and Seirah is at Max's favourite bar in Udonzaka. He always goes there, and chances are, he'll take Diana there too."
"What about you?" Iori asked.
"I'm with Zayn, hovering over the streets near my place," K' said. "We'll join you when Max comes out here."
They waited and soon, Maxima's... Maxima was seen leaving the apartment complex. The Yagamis could distinctly see a poofy cloud on the front passenger seat.
"They're leaving," Iori said. "Aight, I'll follow them."
Iori started his bike and told his sister to hold on tight. Well, of course she did. She always loved riding on a bike, both as a passenger and as a rider. If Benimaru saw this, he'd add that to his list for their next date.
So they followed the Maxima at a safe distance. It was kinda confusing since both the car and the owner was called Maxima.
Aiko was a little alerted when she heard the sound of another bike behind her. She was relieved when she saw that it was just K' and Zayn.
They gave her a nod. Aiko passed the message to her brother.
"Dash and Zayn are behind us," Aiko said.
"Good," Iori said. He pressed the button on his Bluetooth device. "It's time for you guys to take over."
"Right," K' said.
Iori swerved the bike to the side and went over to Maxima's favourite ice cream bar.
"Let's have an ice cream," Iori said, getting off his bike. He pulled his hood on and Aiko did the same too. "Come on."
They went into the ice cream parlour and ordered ice creams and sat down, eating them.
"I feel kinda sorry to just sit here and eat ice cream," Aiko said, spooning some ice cream.
"Wait, Aiko," Iori said. "Maxima may come here for all we know. It's one of his and Diana's favourite places."

"You wanna have drinks or have an ice cream?" Maxima asked Diana.
"A drink sounds nice, but..." Diana's voice trailed off at the thought of ice cream. "I think ice cream sounds better first. We can go for drinks afterwards."
"Sounds good," Maxima said with a shrug. "Come on."
And so he made a u-turn to go to the ice cream parlour that the Yagamis were at. K' and Zayn were confused but followed along. They stopped in front of the ice cream store and dismounted the bike.
"Guys, we're outside," K' said through the earpiece. "They're coming in now. We'll be at the cafe. Try and listen into their convo."
"Roger that," Iori said. "We'll do great."
The siblings watched the entrance as Maxima and Diana walked in.
"They're coming!" Aiko said excitedly.
As the two of them came in and ordered ice cream before sitting down at a table. Aiko took out her other Bluetooth earbud and put it into her ear and threw the one she was wearing towards their table. It landed right under the table.
"What was that?" K' asked, a little annoyed with the distorted sound.
"Shh, keep it down," Iori said. "Aiko threw one of her earbuds at their table. Now we'll all be able to listen to their conversation."
"You guys are smart," K' said. "Alright, lets listen in."
They listened and kinda felt weird to do so. Iori felt a little uncomfortable and muted the call with his phone.
K' listened intently. Maxima would never have known that his partner would do something like this to him.

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