Some new information

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Jae and Rock sat together during break. Scott soon came back after getting himself a mini pizza and chicken nuggets. He sat with them and started eating his mini pizza.
"You guys heard about the murders?" Jae asked, eating the homemade Gimbap that Myeng made for him. "It's increasing around South Town now. You guys better stay away from dark alleyways."
Scott stopped eating and slowly swallowed the the bolus in his mouth. Rock saw his change of expression and put an arm around his shoulder.
"Terry told us that Kevin came this close to catching him last night," Rock said. "He rescued a pregnant lady from being brutally stabbed to death."
"Oh my gosh..." Jae said, shaking his head in distaste. "How cruel! He's the only one I wouldn't be sorry for if dad got hold of him."
Rock started laughing at what might happen if Kim got hold of South Town's psychotic murderer.
Jae realised how Scott was looking down at his food, not eating them.
"What's up, Scott?" Jae asked, nudging the other boy. "Scott?"
"It's nothing," Scott said without looking up.
"I'll tell you later," Rock mouthed to Jae.
He didn't wish to tell Jae about it in front of Scott. Jae nodded and decided to change the subject. They were soon talking about video games and other light-hearted things. They also got Scott to finish food.

Meanwhile, Kevin was waiting for the pregnant woman to arrive. So far, she was the only one who survived after being face to face with South Town's killer.
She soon came, determined to help the police to catch the murderer.
"Tell me all you know about the murderer," Kevin said. "First, state your name."
"Blair Johnson," the woman said. "I'm twenty-four years old. I recently got married and moved into South Town."
"What did the murderer look like?" Kevin asked. "I know, not much could be seen in the darkness but, try and describe him as best as you can."
Blair bit her lip and nodded grimly.
"I remember what he looked like," Blair said. "He was tall, about six foot tall. He was dressed in all black. I couldn't see his face since he was a mask."
"Could you describe his mask?" Kevin asked.
"How could I ever forget such a mask?" Blair said with a wry smile. "It was this... greyish-black. The colour looked a lot like... like... rotting skin."
"What did it look like?" Kevin asked. "Was it a blank mask, a costume mask, a kabuki mask, what is it?"
"It was a crow mask," Blair said. "It had a pointed beak."
"So it's one of those masks that plague doctors used to wear?" Kevin questioned, taking notes.
"No," Blair said, taking out her phone. "No, it's not the plague doctor mask. It's a crow mask. Wait, let me look it up on the internet."
She searched for the mask and let out a satisfied smile before showing her phone to Kevin.

"She searched for the mask and let out a satisfied smile before showing her phone to Kevin

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"This is how it looked like!" Blair exclaimed. "Exactly like this!"
Kevin took her phone and took a good look at the mask. He didn't really get a good look at it the night before since it was too dark. Besides, he was still slightly drunk.
"Send me a screenshot of this now," Kevin said, returning the phone. He took out one of his business cards and gave it to her. "Here's my number. Call me if you remember anything else or if you come across the murderer once again."
"I hope not," Blair said, taking the card. "Thanks, Mr Rian."
She thanked him and left. He printed out a picture of the mask and added it into the case file. He discussed about all of the things that Blair told him to the other detectives.
"This is a some good information," Kevin said, sipping some coffee. "She was the only one that has been close enough with him."
"And the only survivor," Vanessa said, earning nods from her other frowning colleagues. "Gosh, I'm glad Blair survived. She's pregnant! If the murderer had gotten her, we would've lost two lives, not just one."
"Yeah," Kevin agreed. He suddenly received a text on his phone. "It's Blair. She sent us something else."
Blair: The psycho had an accent
Blair: He sounded a little British
Kevin: He spoke to you?
Blair: Yes
Kevin: What did he say?
Blair: Something like "It's always the best to see so much fear in one's eyes."
Blair: N "I'll teach you the joy of an instant death."
Kevin: Is that all?
Blair: Yeah
Kevin: What did his voice sound like?
Kevin: Deep?
Kevin: High?
Blair: It was deep
Blair: But not very
Blair: It was kinda average
Blair: But it was raspy
Blair: N... psychotic
Blair: He didn't sound so old too
Blair: Quite young
Blair: Maybe like around my age or just slightly older
Kevin: Anything else, Mrs Johnson?
Blair: No, Officer
Blair: If I remember anything else, I'll text you
Kevin: Tq Mrs Johnson
Kevin: U've been a great help
Kevin turned back to the others.
"He's a Brit," Kevin informed to the others. "Blair said he spoke to her and she heard his voice. She said he had kinda British. And she said he didn't sound so old and he had a raspy voice."
"Oh my gosh, Blair is great!" Mary said, joyfully. "Quick, add all of this into the case file. Guys, I think we owe her!"
"I think we should present her with a pregnancy hamper to get her started on her first baby," Vanessa added. "Being pregnant is not easy. Giving birth is even worse! Let's all get her something."
"I think I'll get one of those hampers for Veronica too," Ramon joked. "Need to get her prepared for our first baby!"
Vanessa grabbed his collars and started shaking him.
"Why are you like this?!" Vanessa shouted. "What's wrong with you?!"
Ramon smirked. That was until Vanessa started punching him. Mary and Kevin tried their best to pull them away to safety.
"Vanessa, I have a safe house by the sea," Mary said. "I think you should keep Veronica there to keep her away from Ramon."
"I think I might have to put you in jail, Rame," Kevin joked. "Why are you like this?"
Ramon shrugged with a smirk. Vanessa flew at him again.
"Oh boy, they're like beta fishes," Mary said, holding Vanessa off. "Calm down Vanessa. We need to focus on this case, not fight!"
Vanessa calmed down and took a deep breath before sitting down again. "We should pay her a visit," Vanessa finally said. "She gave us the most important evidence yet."
They all agreed to do so. That incident gave them hope that the killings would indeed come to an end soon, creating a peaceful and safe South Town fo everyone.

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