February 10, 2022

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Matt's POV: After waking up the next morning to the sound of Wally crying, I smiled as I decided to pick him up out of his crib and go spend some nice quality father-son time downstairs. Checking to make sure that Ella was still asleep, I then looked at Gabby and smiled at the sight of my gorgeous wife asleep at 6:50 in the morning. And while she did wake up for the previous 3 overnight feedings, this time she stayed asleep. That meant that I was going to take care of it and that was going to be fun. Carrying Wally out of our room, I was about to close the door when I heard Gabby. "Matt, where you going?" I then turned to look at her and sighed.

"Wally's awake." She then nodded as she rolled over in bed. "You going to feed him?" I nodded. "You stay in bed and asleep until she wakes up okay? It's not even 7 am. Please Gabby, stay asleep. I'm here and can take care of them until you wake up later." Gabby smiled and nodded when I said that. "Come here quick though." I then nodded as I walked back over to her before sitting down on the bed. Keeping Wally against my chest, I then went to lean down and kissed her softly. "I'll be downstairs feeding him. You just go back to sleep." Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that before watching me get up, grab my phone from my nightstand charger and leave the room to go downstairs.

Quietly walking downstairs with Wally, I decided to quickly check on Matteo before smiling at the sight of him still asleep in his bed. I then proceeded to continue making my way to the main floor so that Wally could get his morning bottle. Based on what Gabby has told me sometimes, he may be young and have a small stomach but he drinks a lot of milk every feeding. That was one thing I was happy she did for me. She kept me informed about what was going on with the kids. That way, I could help her with whatever was going on and was bothering her.

Quickly grabbing a bottle of milk from the fridge and going to heat it up, I then went to check it on my skin before looking at Wally. "Someone ready to eat some breakfast with daddy?" Wally then just cuddled up to me as I gave him the bottle of milk before walking away to the couch. Grabbing the blanket that we kept there, I went to sit down on the sectional before covering both me and Wally with it. And this was exactly what I wanted to do right now. I haven't gotten much quality time with the kids so, I planned on doing it whenever I could.

And that seemed to also be the case for Severide since he was currently calling me. Reaching for the basket of electronics we have in the table (there were shelves that he used for storage, I then went to grab the AirPods I have to that I could speak to him. Once I got them out and connected them to my phone, I went to put them in my ears before calling him back. I was just glad that he answered because that really meant that he wanted to talk to me.

Phone Conversation
Severide (S): So, I am glad that I didn't wake you up it seems? (Matt laughed)
Matt (M): Dude, we both have young kids...you really think you are ever going to wake me up?
S: My thoughts exactly, which is why I wasn't scared to give you a call. Which kid?
M: I am currently feeding Wally. Both my Ellas are still upstairs in bed.
S: (Confused) Both your Ellas?

M: Gabby's name is Gabriella. It's where we got the inspiration for Ella's name.
S: Right, that makes sense now.
M: You are telling me that you are just now associating that? Matteo is me, Ella is Gabby.
S: And Wally is for Boden. Wait, is it a -ie or a -y?
M: It's Wally with a -y at the end.

S: Got it. So, what are your plans with the kids today?
M: (Laughs) Honestly, not much. Dude, Gabby is still recovering. Remember, not even a month.
S: Right. Remind me what Wally's birthdate is. Sorry, my dates are all scrambled.
M: (Understood) He was born on January 12th. So, 2 days pre-funeral. I was flying out that day.
S: Right. And you cancelled your flight because Gabby went into labor. That was the right move.

M: So, what are your's and Stella's plans for today? I mean, I wouldn't mind seeing wedding pics.
S: Right, you guys haven't seen pictures from our wedding. Honestly, just picture your first wedding but without the turnout grear. She was in a white dress, me in my dress uniform.
M: (Laughs) So basically, my hospital chapel wedding but...in the courthouse where I had my first wedding to Gabby. God, still have bad memories from that night.
S: What are you talking about? How is marrying her that day a bad memory?

M: Well, when we got home...we met Louie's dad Andre for the first time. Stalker much.
S: I remember that now. Gabby was so traumatized.
M: Me too Man! Gabby actually tried to name our last son Louie at first.
S: Oh no, she really considered that name?
M: I vetoed it. Sorry but, I will always love Louie...but my son was not going to be that name. It would've traumatized her. It would've brought back all of those memories each time.
S: You are probably right man. You know Gabby the best after all.

M: After being married to her for 5 years, hell yeah I better know her!
S: So, you guys are counting the time you were divorced?
M: Might as well. Dude, she's always been my one and only remember.
S: (Laughs) NO, I couldn't tell. It's not like you jumped right back into bed with her on her visit.
M: (Shakes his head) Dude, you know the story about that. I already explain that it felt like she was my wife again. I felt like we were back together and regret not leaving Chicago behind.

That's when I noticed that Wally was starting to cough up a bit and went to grab his blanket. Wiping his mouth, I smiled. "Hey little man, you okay?" Putting him on my chest, I then started to burp him. He was obviously done eating and just wanted to cuddle up to me now.

S: You going back to bed when he falls asleep?
M: I was thinking of just staying up. I mean, then I can feed the other one. Maybe after she's fed.
S: God, I never thought I'd say this...but you having kids has made you so soft man.
M: Oh shut up, look at you. You are so soft now.
S: (Laughed and agreed) Oh shit. I think I just laughed too loud.
M: Let me guess, you woke up Stella?

S: Yeah, I think I might have to go man. Talk later maybe? Maybe we can hang out?
M: Sorry, I am with the family today.
S: Then have a good day. Talk later.

Matt agreed and went to hung up, going back to concentrating on feeding Wally.

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