Chapter 258

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Matt's POV: After bringing Severide and Hermann back to my office (and letting them in on what's happening with regards to the investigation)...I opened the floors for them to ask me questions. "Okay, so are we working under the assumption that this is related to that mansion fire?" I looked at Antonio. "You know what we are talking about right? That big mansion fire that we responded to. You must've seen it on the news." Antonio nodded and agreed with me. "Yeah, I saw it. Great job doing it." I nodded and sighed. "I suspect that the owners are part of a plot to burn down the house and collect insurance. I reported it to Voight. So, I am sure they are related. I already have the files out and they are....shit, they are on my computer. Wait, your e-mails."

Severide and Hermann then both grabbed their phones to see if they have the e-mails on their servers. "I still have it. Want me to send it to Antonio?" I looked up at him. "Want the reports?" Antonio nodded and agreed. "Yes please. Please also cc: Jay, Erin and Voigt. Our e-mails are adawson, jhalstead, elindsay and hvoigt at We have our own e-mail server considering we have confidential information on there that we receive from the FBI sometimes." I nodded and understood. "Uhm, just a quick question. Should we consider our lives at risk or just mine? Because if that's so...I am not sure whether I am comfortable working right now."

Antonio looked at me and sighed. "God, this is a hard question to answer considering you are family. So, I am going to leave that one to Jay." Jay then looked at me and sighed. "Speaking to you as a father and husband...I would say that we don't know what the facts are yet. I want to look into more things before we let you know. Antonio, I want to know whether they are patched into the radios at CFD or if they are..." I then stared at them and got scared. "Okay, that's it...I am totally going back to Puerto Rico. If I can barely take this stress, how is Gabby going to take it." That's when I heard Gabby come in. "Mind if I join? My life is on the line technically."

I sighed when she said that. "Who has the kids?" Gabby then looked at me. "They are with Cruz. He has 3 kids so who better to trust them with." I nodded and agreed as Gabby walked over to me. Moving to sit on my lap, she wrapped her arm around my shoulders and looked at everybody else. "Okay, keep going." Antonio then looked at her. "Well, we are saying that we are not sure what the risk level is right now. We are not sure whether you guys are at risk if you go home or if you guys should be put in protection like we did last time around. You know, when there was bombs involved." I sighed when he said that before looking at Gabby. "Vacation?"

Gabby then looked at me. "Matt, I have surgery the first week in March. I mean, you are going to be able to catch him by then right Antonio?" Antonio then looked at us and nodded. "Of course." That's when we heard Chief Walker come to join us in my office. "Woah, busy room. What's with all the police presence outside the building?" Looking up at Chief Walker, I sighed. "I have been sent a threat. I believe it's from the owners of the wealthy mansion we dealt with. I referred it to the Office of Fire Investigations because I thought something was fishy. Now, I think they are targetting me because of the fact that I did refer it to OFI."

Chief Walker then got nervous. "Is it a threat against you personally Chief or is it also a threat against the firehouse?" I looked at him and knew that he was really concerned. "That's what we are trying to figure out. I have already contacted CPD and I am wondering whether I should contact OFI to alert them of the threat that we received." Walker walked up to me and nodded. "I would. That way we can protect whoever the case worker is." I agreed and nodded while going to grab my laptop when I remembered that I didn't have it anymore. "About that, the CPD have confiscated my laptop in order to get information on the e-mail. So, no information."

Gabby then looked at me. "You have a laptop at home you can use Matt. Speaking of you think we are safe there Antonio? I need to know because that can alter my plans. If we aren't safe at home...then I need to figure something out. I am not going to do something last minute. I have 5 bags to pack. Well, 4." I then looked at her and sighed as I went to grab Gabby's hand. "Gabby, we can take time off if you want. We can go somewhere safe again." Gabby thought about it and sighed. "I am going to cancel my surgery and you are going to take me somewhere. Antonio, can you come along so we can have a babysitter and protection?"

Antonio then laughed. "Can't. I have kids here Gabby." Gabby then nodded and understood. "God, what are we going to do. Are we safe here...can we trust that we are safe at home? What about when you are on truck, can we trust it...Matt, I can't loose you." I sighed and agreed with Gabby when she said that before wrapping my arm around her legs. I then just held her close before feeling her lips on my head. "Want me to resign my position? I always promised that I would if it gets too dangerous or it affects our family." 

Gabby then shook her head when I said that. "No, it's okay Matt. But I think I just need to go somewhere we can relax. Maybe we can book a hotel and just have some time as husband and wife. We can celebrate your birthday with the kids. Anyways, you are done soon." I nodded and agreed with her before turning to look at Chief Walker. "Chief, you are here to relieve me correct?" Walker nodded and agreed. "Want me to stay tomorrow until you are safe?" I thought about it and looked at both Antonio and Gabby. "I think that's best for us."

Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "Antonio, can you help me pack up the kids? Matt, just talk to walker. And maybe I can convince Antonio to let us stay in the big house of his. The one with 5 floors and a nice basement in-law suite with 3 bedrooms? One for us, one for Matteo and one for the babies." I smiled when she said that and nodded. "Do you mind Antonio?" Antonio look at us and smiled. "Of course. I am going to stay with you kids though to provide protection. Matt, just do the switch over to Chief Walker." Antonio then walked over to him.

"Thank you for letting my brother and sister take the time off. You guys have been so understanding and I am glad you have been." Chief Walker nodded and agreed. "We wouldn't want Boden's chosen successor to be at risk." I nodded when he said that and got up to shake his hand. "Antonio, can you lave your car? I will take it back home. Gabby, go home and start packing okay? I will be there soon. Just pack whatever you think." Antonio nodded and understood as he went to give me the keys while I gave him the car keys. "Uhm Chief you mind if I speak alone with Matt? Antonio, get the kids and bring them to the van?"

Antonio nodded and agreed as he went to get our kids, leaving me and Gabby alone. I then went to walk around my desk to bring Gabby close to me. "Hey, how are you?" Gabby didn't say anything. Instead, she just stepped close to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. Holding her close, I could tell she was really scared.

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