Chapter 318

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Matt's POV: As I made my way downstairs, I smiled when I saw Matteo sitting on the couch in the living room waiting for me. "Now, there's my big boy waiting for me to make breakfast." Matteo then smiled as he looked at me. "I no get in trouble." I smiled and nodded as I went to bend down in front of him. Grabbing his hands, I smiled. "You are never going to be in trouble if you help daddy make mommy breakfast. Now, what do you think we should make for her this morning? Some pancakes? Or even better, some waffles?" 

Matteo seemed to think about it and smiled. "Waffles." I smiled when he said that because I had a new waffle maker that I just picked up recently. I wanted to try it out. "Want to come help daddy in the kitchen? That way, you can tell mommy that you helped make her breakfast." Matteo nodded and smiled as I got up. I then went to grab his hand as we walked to the kitchen together. Getting the waffle maker out, I looked at him. "This Matteo is no touch okay? Can you say that?" Matteo then nodded. "No touch." I smiled as I went to grab his high chair and went to set it up next to me while I got the waffle maker set up.

Matteo smiled when I set him up on his high chair before looking at me. "I help papa right?" I nodded and smiled before going to grab the pancake mix as well as some water. Grabbing a bowl and a spatula, I went to measure the pancake mix for him. "Here, can you mix?" Matteo then looked at me and just went to grab the bowl. He then looked at it confused so, I decided to do it. "Here, how about you have something yummy as a snack while you wait?" Setting the bowl down on the counter (away from his reach), I went to grab some yogurt for him.

Putting some yogurt in a little bowl for him, I went to grab one of his spoons before giving him the bowl so that he could eat. Matteo then smiled. "Tank you papa." I smiled when he said that and went to kiss his head. "No problem buddy." Going to put the yogurt away, I then went to go and mix the pancake batter. Matteo meanwhile took his time to eat his yogurt. That's when I saw my mom call. Going to grab the phone, I smiled when I answered on speakerphone. "Can you say hi grandma?" Matteo agreed. "Hi Grandma!"

My mom laughed when he said that. "Let me guess, you are in the middle of making breakfast right now?" I agreed. "Yeah. Pancakes. Meanwhile, he is having some yogurt." My mom agreed. "So, what time are you guys coming over? I haven't seen my grandkids in a while and would love to see you guys." I sighed when she said that. "We actually already made plans to go see my brother-in-law." My mom sighed when I said that. "Matt, you always go see them. Why can't you come see me and your sister every once and while?"

I sighed when she said that because I knew it was time to tell my mom. "Because right now, Gabby is afraid to see you guys. I'm not supposed to say anything but...she's feeling guilty about hiding something from you guys fo so long." My mom was confused when I said that. "Care to share?" I sighed and knew I had to. "Gabby has Anxiety and OCD. She has been doing better but, she's ashamed and thinks you wouldn't understand. And now, we think Matteo might have it. So...things are just hard." My mom then listened as I continued.

"So, I like taking her to her brother's place because it makes her feel safe. I know, you are family's just complicated mom. I get it, you want to see your grandkids and maybe you can come for supper. It's just...right now her Anxiety is everywhere and she just needs to talk to her brother in a way that I can't. I know it sounds weird's just complicated." My mom seemed to understand. "I understand Matt. It's hard to deal with. I am so sorry I never knew." I agreed. "We will let you know whether Matteo has it okay? I promise, we will see each other soon."

My mom understood. "Maybe next time you guys are off. Plus, I was just at the firehouse recently." I nodded and agreed with her.  "Gabby and the kids are coming to my shifts. I work tomorrow during the day. Come and see the grandkids then. I know it's not ideal that you have to see them at the firehouse'd be nice. That way you can get to know my entire family more." My mom was confused when I said that. "Entire family?" I sighed when she said that. "I mean the firehouse mom. We are brothers-in-arms. I told you about Andy Darden right?"

My mom agreed. "Yeah, he was the inspiration for Matteo's middle name." I nodded. "Yeah. Well, he died saving my life. So, that's a lot..." My mom seemed shocked. "Wow, that's a lot to handle."  I agreed. "I am his kids' godfather. Both of them. Their names are Ben and Griffin. They are like my nephews. And speaking of nephews...the other reason I am going to see ANtonio is because we have a new niece." My mom liked the sound of that. "Well, that's a great reason to go see him. Listen, we will have to get together sometime soon. I call dibs on Easter Sunday!"

I sighed when she said that. "For sure. Just maybe not so early. I work the day before." My mom was shocked when I said that. "How do you know your schedule by heart?" I laughed. "Because in March and April, I work the same days. Oh by the way...if you want to see Matteo, I would love to have any help possible during the first week of March. Gabby is getting her tubes tied. If you want to see him can take him for a night or two. The babies have to stay here though because Gabby is stuck here." 

My mom agreed. "I will be there for sure. I can help out and make meals while you go to work." I laughed. "Yeah, because I am going to go to work days after my wife has major surgery. Yeah, I took a off around her surgery so, I am going to be here. But still, you can definitely take Matteo. The less stress the possible. But listen, I am making waffles with Matteo for breakfast. Then, we are going to my brother-in-law's place. I'll talk to Gabby and see when you can come. That okay?" My mom agreed. "Of course. Have a good day Chief."

I smiled whens he siad that. "That's your new nickname for me isn't it?" My mom laughed. "Get used to it Chief. Have a good day. Love you." I smiled when she said that. "Love you too. And call Christie! See if she wants to hang out. You haven't seen Violet in a while." My mom agreed with me. "Good point. Talk soon and have a good day." My mom then hung up while I continued to make breakfast that morning.

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