Quick Note Re: Name Change

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Hey guys, I know the last chapter was a bit out there when it comes to the unexpected name change. I just didn't really like the name "Wally". I tried to like it but, I always wanted to have both Matt and Gabby to have their namesakes in this story. That was always my plan. But then, I had Boden die and had to do something that would fit with that storyline. Now, I am going to change it back. But, I am also incorporating it into the storyline. Want to find out how I do that? Keep reading and find out.

And thanks again for being such loyal readers. For those who have been here since the first book in my series (Miracles: Dreams Come True - where Matteo was introduced), you guys sure are troopers considering that was so long ago. However, if you guys were just here since the start of Chief Casey....I hope you guys are enjoying the ride. If you have any questions about stuff in this story (because you didn't read the first series), let me know and I will answer it with another Quick Note. I will also include where you can find the info in my original series.

Now, let's get back to the story!

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