Random Imagine: Working out with K(Bad and Crazy)

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So K talked you into working out with him because he always wanted to have a workout partner with him when he's at the gym. You, being a huge couch potato, has reluctant at first but K convinced you by bribing you with him letting you see his ripped chest. While working out you were completely clueless on what to do so K had to demonstrate to you on what workout machine works on which parts of the body. Once you got the hang of it, you still felt weak at doing it and whined to K that you don't wanna do this anymore.

"Work that ass jelly legs!" K called out. "C'mon a few more squats!"

You groaned as you continued to do the squats while K did his sit-ups. You looked over your shoulder to see K looking at you while doing sit-ups.

Wattpad's not letting me upload the image gif :(

You looked at him like, "Really?"

"What? I can't enjoy the view?" K asked making you chuckle. A creep did try to hit on you while you were doing your set of bicep curls and K reacted to it by chucking a yoga ball at the creep's head. Be happy it wasn't one of the weights, otherwise the creep would've been long gone. After you both were done with your sets, K took his shirt off and began flexing for you since he did promise that he would flex for you if you went with him. You giggled as he picked you up and carried you out the gym despite him being super sweaty.

"Babe, you're sweaty." You giggled out.

"Well when we get home, we're showering together." K said. Your face turned red as he looked at you.

"What? It's to save money because the last bill was super high up." K pointed out. You giggled as you pecked his sweaty forehead.

"That butt is looks nice as well." K mumbled.

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