Random Preferences: Who's the most playful one? K vs. Su Yeol(Bad and Crazy)

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Su Yeol

Usually he's the serious one out of the two but he would have his childish moments. You would sometimes think who's more playful than who between him and K but with Su Yeol, the only time when he's super playful is when he's drunk.

You were just laying down reading when you felt someone playing with your butt so you turned around to see Su Yeol kneading your butt with his palms.

"What are you doing?" You asked. Su Yeol looked at you with a drunken smile and just let out a meow.

"I'm a cat trying to make biscuits." Su Yeol slurred out. You sighed and questioned this man's life.

"K! Come get your brother!" You called out.

(Yes I'm making them brothers in this)


Now K is way more playful than Su Yeol regardless of him being drunk or not. Don't let him catch you minding your own business or don't let the house get quiet when he's in there because he would bother you and Su Yeol none stop.

You were cooking one time in the kitchen, just minding your own business, when you felt someone pick you up.

"FIRE DRILL!" K yelled out as he carried you out the house.

You know that it was bullshit because if there was a fire drill or an actual fire, the smoke detector would've set off. You just looked at him with a straight face then hit him upside the head with the frying pan.

"Play too damn much!" You scolded.

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