Random Headcannons: Dating All of Them

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Okay, this is gonna be a fun one to write!

You all met in high school

You were a new student in the high school they were attending. You transferred over there after moving into South Korea where your parents landed a job out there. You were pretty shy upon meeting them on your first day but got to know each and one of them and their personalities;

There's Gong Yoo:

He's one of those pretty boys in high school. Many people were in love with him while many also envied his charisma and social skills. You caught his attention when you didn't give into his charisma upon first meeting him, which he saw as a challenge. He could be pretty flirty towards you but it's like the more you reject him, the more he likes you. You couldn't lie and say that deep down, you wasn't slowly falling for his charm but he doesn't have to know that just yet.

There's Lee Dong Wook:

Nobody knows much about him besides the fact that he's the anti-social emo boy who prefers to be alone most of the time. You two met in the library one time during after school where you both shared your love for poetry. At first he wasn't used to having company so he was a bit nervous, but after he got to know you, he actually warmed up to you instead of shutting you out like he does other people.

There's Wi Ha Jun:

He's the famous athletic boy who plays every single sport that is in the book. Hockey? He plays it. Basketball? He plays it. Boxing? He plays it. Water Polo? He plays it and he for damn sure looks good doing so. How you met him was kind of a funny way. You were sitting on the bleachers outside reading when you weren't paying attention and heard someone yell at you...

"Hey! Look out!"

You looked up at the last second, only to be hit in the face with a football, causing you to black out. You woke up to see him looking at you with a look of concern. You thought it was a dream when you saw the sight of his handsome face but luckily, it was reality.

"Are you an angel?" You moaned out still in a daze. Ha Jun thought that the football have given you a concussion so he rushed you to the Nurse's Office. After that, you two made some small talk and he even invited you to one of his games. You may have received a bump on your forehead but you did score some time with him.

There's Park Hae-soo:

He's titled as "The Nerd" in the school. He does get the exact same attention as Gong Yoo but he doesn't waste his time on people because the only person who had stolen his heart was education. Well...that was before he met you. He works as a tutor after school so when you were struggling with one of your subjects, your teacher recommended him to go to for help. During the tutoring session, you two winded up going completely off topic talking about your favorite interests. After the tutoring session was over with, he asked to see you again after school tomorrow after your upcoming test.

There's Lee Jung Jae

He's pretty much the infamous class clown. His pranks can range from pretty tame and harmless to possible grounds of suspension...or even expulsion(It's actually surprising that he never got expelled for the numerous pranks he pulled in class). You had a pretty shitty 3rd period so you were making your way to your 4th period when you saw him putting something in a student's locker then run off to hide behind the wall. The student who owns the locker walks up and opens their locker only to have golf balls pour out of their locker like a waterfall. To make matters worse is that a pie had sprung out from the top shelf of the locker and smacked the student in the face. You watched as Jung Jae tried to prevent himself from laughing so he wouldn't blow his cover while the student angrily stormed off.

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