Envious For Love: Ryu Su-yeol(Bad and Crazy)

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Superintendent Ryu Su-yeol was talking to Hui-gyeom. He's been telling himself that he likes Hui-gyeom. However, something was telling Su-yeol that there's a different person in mind.

That person was you.

Su-yeol doesn't know it yet, but it's like whenever he sees the his partner, K, talking to you there's this heat building inside of him. One day K approached you.

"Hey Yn, how have you've been?" K asked, beginning the conversation.

"I've been good, how's the case?" You asked back.

"Busted a couple of jaws but it's been solved." K explained as he leaned against the wall.

You chuckled as you fixed yourself a cup of water.

"So, when you're gonna get yourself a partner?" K asked.

"I mean...I don't know." You replied in an uneasy tone.

You had gotten out of an abusive relationship 2 years ago. Ever since that, you've never been in an relationship again.

"Really? Because I think I know someone who would be a good boyfriend for you." K spoke as a smug grin appeared on his face.

Before you could ask who, you both heard someone clear their throat.

It was Su-yeol.

"K, shouldn't you be getting to work on the latest case?" Su-yeol asked in a bit of a stern voice.

"Right." K chuckled out as he hugged you. "We'll continue this later." K whispered into your ear.

The minute K walked away, you looked down at Su-yeol's fists to see them balled up.

Why was he getting angry at K hugging you? You don't know. You heard through the grapevine that he has feelings for Hui-gyeom, so you shrugged it off as Su-yeol getting mad at K for slacking off.

When you went on lunch break, you went to go find K. You found him asleep in his office. When you walked in and slammed the door shut, K immediately woke up.

"I'm up-ahhhh!" K yelled as he fell to the floor. He looked up to see you then sighed in relief.

"Oh, I thought you was Su-yeol." K stated as he got up.

"Yeah speaking of which, after you hugged me then left, he was balling up his fists." You pointed out. "Doesn't he like Hui-gyeom?"

K laughed.

"He's telling himself that he likes her, but he hates seeing me anywhere near you." K explained.

"What does that mean?" You asked.

"He likes you." K revealed. "If he didn't, he wouldn't get upset at me being around you."

Your face turned beet red after that statement.

"No offense, like you're a cool person to hang out with but I'm actually feeling Hui-gyeom." K explained.

"None taken, I've seen how you are around her." You chuckled out.

"So, what are you waiting for? Go claim that stick-in-the-mud man." K encouraged as he patted your back. You walked out of his office, only to almost bump into Su-yeol.

"Oh, hey Yn! Um..." Su-yeol began.

You didn't say anything, you just hugged him. 

He was having an internal scream go off in his head.

You smirked as you pecked his chin and watch as his pale face turn pink.

"Coffee after work?" You asked.

"S-sure." Su-yeol squeaked out.

You walked off as K walked out of his office.

He laughed at the sight of Su-yeol's flustered state.

"You happy now?" K asked.

"Just...shut up." Su-yeol mumbled as he looked away.

"You can go out with Yn, if I get to go out with Hui-gyeom." K bargained.

Su-yeol chucked a pen at K.

"Aish! Okay geez!" K exclaimed as he went back into his office.

Su-yeol touched the spot where you kissed then smiled to himself.

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