Random Headcannons: Dating Wi Ha Jun

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You two met at a party

It was your college days and your roommate pulled you out of the dorm room to have you go to a frat party. You were reluctant because you're a bit of an introvert yourself but agreed if it'll make your roommate happy. During the party, you just sat on the couch with your cup of juice in your hand, waiting for the party to be over with already. While you gazed at the clock, your train of thoughts were cut off by the sound of people cheering. 

You looked to see a crowd in front of you which grabbed your attention as you got up to investigate. In the center of the crowd was a young man moonwalking and gliding. You couldn't lie and say that you weren't impressed. The man turned his attention towards you which made you panic and make a bee line out of the crowd.

"Shit, I hope he doesn't try to find me." You thought to yourself. You were searching for your roommate but had no luck at all. You thought to yourself, "Fuck it, I'll see them outside" and headed to the front door and sat on the porch. While you waited, you heard footsteps approaching behind you and you thought it was your roommate.

"About time, are you re-" You turned around to see the dancing man from before.

"I figured you'd be out here." The man said.

"What? Were you following me or something?" You asked.

"No, no...I mean I think I saw your roommate go off with my best friend and they told me to find you." The man explained.

"They must be drunk because who tells a stranger to find their roommate?" You mumbled making the man chuckle as he sat down next to you.

"So...you're a senior here huh?" The man asked. You were not in the mood for any conversation.

"Look, why are you talking to me? You don't even know me." You snapped at him. The man put his hands up in surrender.

"S-sorry, I just thought you'd might be a cool person to talk to." The man answered.

"Well don't assume shit okay? You don't know if I could be a psycho or a serial killer." You replied.

"Well that's why I'm trying to get to know you now...if you are what you say you are, I'll leave you alone." The man said. You sighed and decided to give this guy a chance.

"Fine, but you better not have any ulterior motives." You warned.

"Why because I'm a guy?" The man asked.

"You're a guy that I don't know." You replied.

"Touché." The man chuckled. "Well, I'm Wi Ha Jun." You hesitated at first but then sighed.

"Y/N." You replied back.

Your first date was at a baseball game

Wi Ha Jun is a huge baseball fan himself so he decided to take you to a baseball game for y'all first date. 

"So are you a baseball fan yourself?" Wi Ha Jun asked.

"Well my dad and brother are." You replied. "I usually spend my time in my room reading."

"Introvert?" Wi Ha Jun asked. You nodded your head.

"You know it's okay to get out the house every once in a while." Wi Ha Jun said.

"You sound just like my roommate." You replied. "I just don't think it's alright for me to be in the outside world like that."

"C'mon, you can't hide from the world forever." Wi Ha Jun chuckled out. "There's many fun things to do outside of the world." All of a sudden you heard the baseball bat crack and the crowd cheering. You looked to see a ball flying your way then...


The ball landed in your cup of soda making Wi Ha Jun laugh.

"Nice catch." He chuckled out. You cracked a smirk on your face as you laughed. 

"I guess this isn't so bad." You thought to yourself.

He asked you to be his during another baseball game

After Wi Ha Jun molded you into a baseball fan, you two have been going to baseball games nonstop. This time however, it was a special occasion but you didn't know what was going on. During the game, you looked at him who was giving you the biggest smile ever.

"What?" You chuckled out. Wi Ha Jun pointed at the big screen which made you gasp in surprise.

Y/N will you be mine?

The screen said while the camera was pointing at you and him. You nodded your head as you leaned over and kissed him while the crowd cheered for the two of you. 

"How did I get so lucky with this man?" You thought to yourself.

Was the nervous one during the parent meet up

You couldn't help but chuckle at Wi Ha Jun's nervous facial expression as you two made your way to the door.

"Babe, are you nervous?" You asked.

"Uh huh..." Wi Ha Jun stammered out. You held his hand.

"It's okay, my family is really chill most of the time." You assured as you rang the doorbell. The person who answered it was your dad who was wielding a double barreled shotgun. Your lover turned white as a ghost as he began to sweat bullets.

"What are your intentions with my baby?" Your dad asked in a scary voice. Wi Ha Jun couldn't speak as he moaned and fainted.

"Dad!" You scolded. Your dad chuckled as he put down the fake shotgun.

"What? I thought he'd get a laugh out of it." Your dad laughed. "Your brother was even waiting with the chainsaw and hockey mask." You groaned in embarrassment.

"Mom, dad scared my boyfriend!" You yelled out. Your mom came out and sighed.

"I'll help you carry him inside." Your mom said as she grabbed his legs while you grabbed his head and arms and both of you carried him inside.

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