A Bunch of Dudes and a Little Lady-8

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It was a nice afternoon. I was in the living room with Sung Tae's cats when Ha Jun walked in.

"Hey Little Bit, what are you doing?" Ha Jun asked. I took out my notebook.

Just chilling with the house meows

Ha Jun smiled as he sat down next to me while petting one of the cats.

"So you don't have anything planned for today?" Ha Jun asked. I shooked my head no. Ha Jun grabbed my hand and helped me off the couch.

"Good because today, we're going on a boat." Ha Jun said. "I hope you don't have sea sickness." I shook my head no clarifying that I don't have any sea illness.

"Hold it, I'm tagging along too." Dong Wook said walking in.

"Why?" Ha Jun chuckled out.

"Because she's my best friend and I wanna hang with her." Dong Wook answered smiling at me.

"I thought Ji-cheol was your best friend." Ha Jun pointed out.

"He still is but eolin-i has grown on me and became my best buddy." Dong Wook explained.

"Fine, you can tag along." Ha Jun replied as he grabbed his car keys. During the drive to the boat docks, I was sitting in the back with Dong Wook. Ha Jun watched us from the rearview mirror watching us play rock, paper, scissors.

"These two are like siblings almost." Ha Jun thought to himself as he focused back on the road. When we got to the boat docks, we walked up to a yacht and got on. Dong Wook looked a little pale while getting on which caught both of our attention.

"Dude, are you afraid of water?" Ha Jun asked.

"N-no, I'm good." Dong Wook lied.

"Then get on the boat." Ha Jun ordered with a smug look. Dong Wook gulped as he stepped on foot onto the boat and began to shake. I felt bad for him so I grabbed his hand and rubbed it with my thumb then looked at him. He calmed down a bit as he continued to make his way onto the boat. When he got on, he sighed as he sat down. During the boat ride, I was looking at the view of the lighthouse when I felt someone approach me. I turned to see Ha Jun.

"You know, I wonder...if you were to speak, what would you say first?" Ha Jun asked. I wrote down in my notebook.

I really don't know. I've been through so much negativity that I'm sure I'll say something negative. If you don't have anything positive to say then don't say anything at all.

"Well I'm sure you'll see things on the positive side." Ha Jun assured as he patted my back.

I think it's sorta too late for that.

"No it's not, it's never too late for good things to happen in life." Ha Jun said. "I promise."

Well, how do you stay positive then? Even during the worse times?

"Well, whenever I get down, I get down." Ha Jun replied as he began to dance, showing off his wave. My eyes grew wide at how impressive he was able to dance. He stopped and chuckled at my reaction.

"What? You never knew I could dance?" Ha Jun asked.

Well I never asked so that was on me.

"What about you? What do you do when you try to stay positive?" Ha Jun asked.

I think about my mother...she was the only positive thing I could think of.

"That's nice." Ha Jun said. All of a sudden we both heard someone groaning then turned around to see Dong Wook bent over the deck.

"Dude are you okay?" Ha Jun asked as he tapped Dong Wook. Dong Wook turned around revealing his greenish face.

"Man...these waves won't stop waving at me, it's making me dizzy." Dong Wook gurgled out. Me and Ha Jun escorted Dong Wook to the lower deck where there's a bed that he can lie in.

"Just rest here until we get back to the dock, okay?" Ha Jun ordered.

"Okay..." Dong Wook moaned out. Me and Ha Jun walked back up to the upper deck.

"Poor guy." Ha Jun said.

You and him seem to have good chemistry

"Well me and him were starring in this one series together and that what started our friendship." Ha Jun explained.

Bad and Crazy, right?

"Yeah that series." Ha Jun replied. "But he has a tighter bromance with Ji-cheol for their time on Guardian: Lonely and the Great God."

Well, I like you, you're my bro.

Ha Jun chuckled.

"And you're my...she-bro? Is that the right word for it?" Ha Jun asked confused.

It can be lol.

"Okay then my she-bro." Ha Jun laughed as he fist bumped me. "You know, I still remembered when we first met you, Dong Wook got so mad that you ate his sweets."

They were taking up too much room so...

"But did you really have to eat them all?" Ha Jun laughed out.

I mean, I was hungry and they were just there.

Ha Jun continued to laugh making me smile a bit.

"Well kid, it's time we turn back around before Wookie starts puking all over the lower deck." Ha Jun said as he ordered the captain to turn the boat around. Once we all got off the boat, we helped Dong Wook to the car. This time I sat in the front seat with Ha Jun jamming out to some tunes on the radio. I watched as the sun set and smiled as today had felt like a good day for me. When we got back to the mansion, we went in to see the rest of the guys at the table eating dinner.

"Oh, you're back just in time for dinner." Anupam pointed out. Dong Wook covered his mouth as he ran to the bathroom.

"What happened with him?" Hae-soo asked.

"Sea sickness." Ha Jun replied as we both sat at the dinner table.

"Well, we'll save him a plate afterwards." Jung Jae said as he continued to eat. Sung Tae felt something brush against his leg then looked down to see Naju rubbing up against him.

"Looks like Naju wants something too." Ji-cheol chuckled out.

"No Naju, you can't have any of this." Sung Tae chuckled out. Naju then looked at him with the plead eyes and let out a soft meow. Sung Tae chuckled as he took a piece of chicken and dropped it down for Naju to eat. I felt Namhani rub up against me as well so I did the same.

"I love cats so much." I thought to myself. All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door. Anupam went to go answer it. The minute he opened the door...my eyes grew wide at who was there.

"H-hey sweetie."


To be continued...

K-drama Dudes: Imagines, Headcannons, and Random StuffDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora