A Bunch of Dudes and A Little Lady-2

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After that meal, I passed out on the dining room table.

"Good she's asleep, now we can carry her out to the curb." Dong Wook said. Jung Jae looked at him annoyed.

"Alright you need to let that sweets thing go." Jung Jae ordered. "she actually did you a favor because you weren't even supposed to have sweets in your system." Dong Wook grumbled as he crossed his arms.

"Where is she going to sleep?" Sung Tae asked.

"I thought about turning my meditation room into a spare room for her." Anupam suggested.

"Do you need a hand?" Hae-soo asked.

"I mean, there's not much in there but knock yourself out." Anupam replied as he and Hae-soo walked to the back of the place.

I woke up in a dark alley back in Chicago. I looked around to identify the place and realized that I'm back in my home town.

"I'm here back in Chicago?" I thought to myself as I made my way out of the alley but it's like the more I walk, the longer the walk way becomes. I began to run but the minute I started running...I heard footsteps behind me making me turn around to see the loan shark guys. That gave me motivation to sprint without looking back. While I was running, I felt my whole entire body become cold. I looked down to see myself naked and covered in bruises as if I was running from these guys after they tried to desecrate me. Up ahead was my dad at the end of the walkway so I sprinted to catch up to him. Unfortunately, luck wasn't on my side as I slipped on a puddle and fell onto the hard concrete ground. One of the loan shark guys grabbed me and pulled me back as I tried to claw myself away from them, letting my nails get bloodied in the process. I reached out to my dad but he began to walk away like he didn't know that I was trying to reach out to him for help. In a fit of anger and fear, I let out a huge scream. One of the loan sharks grabbed me and shook me but I continued to scream until I heard...

"Hey! Hey wake up!"

My eyes popped open to see myself in the hands of Sung Tae. I was panting as I looked at them with a scared look in my eyes.

"Hey, are you okay? Were you having a nightmare?" Sung Tae asked. Anupam and Hae-soo hurried back into the kitchen to see what's going on.

"Hey, what happened?" Anupam asked. "we heard yelling."

"We don't know." Ha Jun replied. "she was asleep and then started screaming in her sleep." Anupam looked to see me on the verge of crying and sighed.

"Are you alright?" Anupam asked. I shook my head no as I got up and ran out the kitchen.

"I told you that girl got issues." Dong Wook muttered. Ji-cheol smacked him upside his head. Jung Jae went to go find me. Jung Jae stopped once he saw me in the backyard in the garden area. I was hugging my legs with my head resting on my knees. Jung Jae walked out and walked towards me.

"Hey, are you alright?" Jung Jae asked as he tapped me. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes as he sat down next to me.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Jung Jae asked. I nodded my head as he rubbed my back.

"It's okay, we all get scary dreams." Jung Jae assured me. I opened my notebook to him to show him what I wrote down about my dream. Jung Jae felt his heart drop after reading it.

"Oh my goodness...um...that's some nightmare." Jung Jae said with a nervous chuckle. I looked to my right to see a stray black cat in the bushes so I got up to see it.

"Hey, where are you going?" Jung Jae called out. I crouched down next to the stray cat and reached out to it. It got up and rubbed it's head against my hand. Jung Jae walked towards me and smiled.

K-drama Dudes: Imagines, Headcannons, and Random StuffDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora