K-drama Dudes Randomness-4

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Ji-cheol:*wakes up to find his ankle attached to a chain* Huh? Where am I?*looks around* Looks like I'm in some sorta bathroom or something.*looks to see a dead body on the ground* Ah! Oh my God!

Jung Jae: I reacted the same way man.

Ji-cheol: Jung Jae? How did we get here?

Jung Jae: You tell me, I don't know!*sees tape recorder on the floor* Oh a tape recorder.*presses 'play'*

Voice: Hello gentleman, you may not know me, but I know you.

Ji-cheol: How? I'm sure it's some crazed fan or something.

Jung Jae: There's no way a fan would go this far as to kidnap us!

Ji-cheol: There's a lot of crazy fucks out here man.

Voice: I want to play a game.

Ji-cheol:*cocks an eyebrow* That's it? That's why you kidnapped us? I mean, you could've done it without having to kidnap us but...I know a game we could play.

Dead body: *rises up* Okay, this isn't what I had in mind.

Both of them:*screams*

John Kramer: Relax, I was never dead. I took some medicine to have me sleep for a while.

Jung Jae: Wait, so are you the man on the tape?

John Kramer:*nods his head*

Ji-cheol: Why did you kidnap us?

John Kramer: To help change you.

Jung Jae: Wait, wait, wait, I've seen a movie about you before! You basically put us here because of something that happened in your life that had nothing to do with us.

Ji-cheol: Don't be taking your anger out on us just because of the strife that happened in your life.

Jung Jae: Preach!

John Kramer: Alright, I'll let you go. But, first...what was the game you had in mind?

Ji-cheol:*pulls out a red tile and a blue tile* Ddakji! It's one of the well known games in South Korea.

John Kramer: How do you play?

Ji-cheol:*stands up* It's pretty simple; All you have to do is throw your tile down hard enough for my tile to flip over. But, I wanna make this a tad bit more...interesting. If you flip mine over, I'll give you 100,000 won.

John Kramer: That's only $76.32 in USD.

Ji-cheol: But in our area, it's a lot. If I flip over yours, you have to pay me that exact amount in USD.

John Kramer:*thinks* I can win this easily.*out loud* You're on.

Jung Jae:*thinks* This old sir has no idea the shit Ji-cheol's gonna pull.

Ji-cheol:*smirks* Okay, which color?

John Kramer: Blue.

Ji-cheol: *sets the red tile down*

John Kramer:*slams the blue tile down*

(Didn't flip)

John Kramer:*thinks* Shit.

Ji-cheol:*picks his red tile up and slams it down*

(It flips)

John Kramer:*eyes grow wide and thinks* Double shit.

Ji-cheol:*smiles and looks at him* What's the matter sir?

John Kramer: Um, about the money...

Ji-cheol: No worries, you can just pay with your body.

John Kramer:*snaps head at him* What are you? Ga-


John Kramer:*holds his face in shock* What the fuck?

Ji-cheol: I slap $76.32 off you.

John Kramer: Again!

After 25 attempts later

John Kramer:*gets pissed off* Ahh! That's it!*starts smacking Ji-cheol*

Ji-cheol: *slapping back*

John Kramer: Smacking*slap* me! *slap* Didn't they tell you to! *smack* Respect the elderly!

Ji-cheol: Not the murderous kind! C'mon old man, what you got? You ain't got the hands!

Jung Jae:*sitting back and watching**thinks* Man I should've brought some popcorn and my phone so I could record this. This is a great slap boxing match.

Bro imagine if they were to make a Squid Game Saw cameo like this. I honestly do wanna know how John Kramer would be like against the Salesman in Ddakji. 

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