If I were to create Squid Game myself

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Alright, since it's confirmed that season 2 of Squid Game will happen soon, I'm hoping that the hype will return eventually. Right now, there's one question that has been in my head for a minute and that is; What if I were to create Squid Game myself? Like since Squid Game has games that people in Korea played when they were kids, what if I came up with Squid Game on my own with games that I or many people used to play when they were kids. I, of course, am not from Korea and was born and raised in the U.S and within Squid Game itself, the only two games I was familiarized with was Red Light, Green Light and Tug-o-war since I've played those games before in my life. However, what if I were to include games that were played in the USA? Here some ideas I had in mind if I were to create Squid Game myself.

1. Hide n Seek

Time limit: 30 minutes(Since there's a lot of players in the beginning)

Okay so the first game would be hide and seek since the rules of the game are pretty simple. One person who is seeking will count to 10 while the other people hide. In this, I was thinking what if there was 2 or 4 guards who are the seekers and the rest of the players are the hiders. If the players aren't found within the time limit, they're safe. They can move hiding spots if they want to but don't get caught by the guards. If the player gets caught by a guard, whether it's by moving to a new hiding spot or getting found, they're eliminated.

2. Mr. Fox

Time limit: 20 minutes

Alright, so I remembered playing this when I was in Kindergarten. The rules of the game are somewhat similar to Red Light, Green Light; One person is Mr. Fox while the others are the sheep. The sheep asks, "Mr. Fox, Mr. Fox, what time is it?" and the number that the fox picks is the number of steps the sheep gotta take. For example: Mr. Fox says that it's 3:00 so the sheep has to take 3 steps. This goes on until the fox says that it's lunchtime and that's when the sheep scatter. Whoever gets tagged by the fox, or in this case eaten, is the next fox. I was thinking, 3 guards can be the foxes and the players are the sheep and whoever gets tagged by one of the guards during lunchtime, they're eliminated. Those who didn't get tagged within the time limit, they're safe.

3. Freeze Tag

Time limit: 15 minutes

Okay, I feel like everyone has played Freeze Tag before in their lives. It's like regular tag but once you're tagged, you're frozen until someone unfreezes you. Since the players in Squid Game are always unaware of what the next game will be, I was thinking of having 5 players volunteer to be the unfreezers(without them knowing of course). Who ever are the unfreezers, are the ones automatically safe from elimination. There will also be 5 guards who will be the taggers. The rules are pretty basic; The guards tags the players, except the unfreezers of course, and the players are frozen until one of the unfreezers tag them. If they're caught moving while frozen, they're eliminated. If the players are frozen and time runs out, they're also eliminated. The ones safe from elimination are the ones who are unfrozen and the unfreezers, once again.

4. Cards

Time limit: 20 minutes

Okay, I wanted to make this one similar to Marbles in Squid Game. Since in Squid Game, you can play different games with marbles like Odd or Even or try to get one of your marbles into a hole, I was thinking that in the Cards round, you can play different games with cards like Go Fish, I Declare War, or, one game that I'm sure is pretty underrated, High or Low. High or Low will go something like this; 2 players gets 10 cards, they set the cards down in a row and flip the first card over, the person has to guess if the next card has a number that's higher or lower than the number on the first card and this goes on until the last card. How many guesses the other person got right is the number of cards they will take. For example: The player has 4 out of 10 right, so they take 4 cards. So whoever takes the other player's cards, wins.

5. Hopscotch

Time limit: 5 minutes

Okay this one's a bit tricky because I was trying to find one similar to Glass Stepping Stones and Hopscotch was the closest. So I was thinking that within the Hopscotch round, it would be a tad bit more difficult than Glass Stepping Stones. Since in Squid Game, the concept of it was trial and error, I thought about having it be a random chance of one of the tiles being the one that has the rock on it. However, I wouldn't make the rock noticeable for players to see because that would be way too easy, so instead the tiles would have a sound effect go off and whichever tile or tiles did sound effect, is the tile that has the "rock" on it. So players have to listen carefully to the sound effects. Those who make a mistake, the tile or tiles will turn into a trap door and the player will fall to their death, thus eliminating them. Those who don't make it across within the time limit are also eliminated as well.

6. Dodgeball

Time limit: 5 minutes

This one doesn't necessarily vary on whether or not there's more than 2 players at the end. So we all played the titular game, Dodgeball, before in elementary school or even high school, right? Well in this, it's like Squid Game because it's more like a fight to the death and we all know how serious Dodgeball can get real quick. Two teams are formed and instead of rubber balls, there would be these cannonballs, those hard black balls that you use as ammo for cannons, they just basically throw them at each other until it's the last one standing. This time, there's no catching the ball to get someone out. The only way of elimination is if the player basically gets hit hard enough for them to die. For example: The player gets hit in the head and the ball breaks their skull, they're out after that. However, if the player or players are also too injured to play then they can forfeit but they'll be eliminated as well.

Alright so these are the games I would pick if I were to create Squid Game myself. The contract thing would also be the same one from the show itself like;

Clause 1-A player voluntarily qutting the games is prohibited

Clause 2- Refusing to participate in the games is prohibited; Those who refuse to play will result in elimination

Clause 3- The games may be terminated upon majority vote

Well what do you guys think? What games would you include if you were to create Squid Game yourself?

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