K-drama Dudes Preferences: NSFW Alphabet-Z: Zzz

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Gong Yoo

It only take him 2 minutes to fall asleep. He'll be out like a light after y'all session.

Lee Dong Wook

He'll usually wait for you to fall asleep first then he'll go to sleep within the next minute.

Wi Ha Jun

He'll rest after getting the aftercare out of the way first. If he's too tired for aftercare, he's already snoring loudly, face first into the pillow.

Lee Jung Jae

He's a talker before he sleeps. He loves to have a small convo with you after sex until both of you fall asleep.

Park Hae-soo

He would always want to watch a movie with you after sex until he falls asleep. He don't know why but the TV being background noises always puts him to sleep.

Anupam Tripathi

He would always cuddle up with you and you two fall asleep together. It's y'all way of feeling each other's embrace and security.

Heo Sung Tae

After sex, he would always check to make sure if you're okay before you go to sleep. When you give him the okay, like Anupam, he'll cuddle with you and both of you go to sleep. Sometimes his cats will come in and snuggle in between you too.

(Okay, finally got this done! I hope this satisfy you horny mofos here XD!)

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