If Only If You Saw Me As More; Seong Gi-hun x Cho Sang-woo

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It was down to the final two in Squid Game. Gi-hun still felt the rage in his heart after witnessing Sang-woo, his childhood friend, murder Sae-byeok. He stared at Sang-woo with a blank heartless stare as the pink guard asked him a question.

"Player 456, would you want to play offense or defense?" The pink guard asked. Gi-hun looked at Sang-woo with subtle rage before he spoke.

"Offense." Gi-hun answered. The pink guard flipped a gold coin in a heads or tails manner then caught the coin.

"Player 456 plays offense, Player 218 plays defense." The pink guard said as the doors opened to the outside field. They both recognized the field as the same field from the very first game, Red Light Green Light. It began to rain as they got into position. Watching above them was the VIP men.

"Squid Game? What an odd name." VIP 1 said. The Front Man spoke.

"It was orginally a child game that was played in Korea many years ago." The Front Man explained. VIP 1 hummed as the rules were about to be explained.

One, the attacker must enter the squid shape court, run past the defense, and then tap the area inside the squid's head with his foot to secure a win.

Two, the defender must block the attacker's advance and force them outside the court's bounds in order to win

Three, if a situation arises to where both players are unable to continue playing, last one standing is the winner

"Among all the games played as a kid, this one was the most physical and violent one." The Front Man said.

"So any violence is allowed?"

"Correct, there's no restrictions in this one."

As the game began, Gi-hun started off on one foot...literally.

"Why is he hopping on one foot?" VIP 1 asked.

"The attacker is handicapped, he can only hop on one foot until he reaches the squid's neck." The Front Man explained.

"And the defender tries to block him correct?"

"Yes, that's the first challenge of this game."

Gi-hun stopped to talk to Sang-woo.

"When we were kids, we used to play this game all the time." Gi-hun began. "When we cross the squid's neck, do you recall what we used to call it?" Sang-woo was not having it.

"Shut up, who cares about that?" Sang-woo scolded as he charged at Gi-hun. Gi-hun chucked a handful of sand at him, blinding him in the process.

"Inspector royal." Gi-hun replied as he continued to walk, now on two feet. "Inspector royal, we called it." Once Sang-woo regained some of his vision he began to speak.

"I put an end to her suffering, you know she would've died anyway." Sang-woo explained referring to Sae-byeok.

"That's bullshit so stop lying." Gi-hun called out. "She could've survived, they could've treated her."

"See, you're the reason I had to kill her! I knew you two would try to put an end to this." Sang-woo yelled.

"So that was the actual reason to why you killed her? Because of this ending?" Gi-hun asked.

"Yes because if this game ends on majority vote, we all would've gone home without a single cent! I don't want that!" Sang-woo yelled.

"You better be happy I didn't kill you, she stopped me. I wasn't gonna let you walk out of here with that money!" Gi-hun yelled.

It was a full blown battle to the death. There was blood and rain running off both of their bodies. Gi-hun was now on the ground with Sang-woo towering over him.

"You recognize this place?" Sang-woo asked referring to the field. "This is the same damn place where we played Red Light Green Light...so many people played with us but now they're all dead! All of them except us. We've...already come too far to  end this now!" Sang-woo yelled as he prepared to stab Gi-hun. Gi-hun blocked his attack with his hand as blood dripped on his face. Gi-hun then stabbed Sang-woo in the leg making him scream out in pain as he fell to the floor. Gi-hun got up.

"You killed them! You killed them all! You killed everyone!" Gi-hun yelled. "If you wanted to win so bad then why you didn't kill me instead of her? Huh?" Sang-woo looked up at Gi-hun. Gi-hun began to walk towards the squid head while the VIP were on their toes waiting for the game to end.

"This game is over." VIP 1 said.

"Yes, that's a wrap right here." VIP 2 added in. Before Gi-hun could tap the head, he stopped.

"I can't." Gi-hun said. "I wanna end here." The VIP all looked confused.

"What's he doing?"

"He wants to end the game here!? Now!?"

"What the hell?"

"Gi-hun!" Sang-woo cried out. Gi-hun turned around to him.

"I didn't kill you because...it would've been regretful of me to not tell you here how I really feel about you." Sang-woo groaned out.

"Wait...is he confessing his love to him or something?" VIP 1 asked.

"Looks like he is." VIP 2 replied.

"Man this isn't a gay sappy love story, go touch the head!" VIP 1 yelled out.

"Gi-hun, I love you." Sang-woo said. "I've always have and I wanted to keep you alive in this game just so I can tell you this."

"That still doesn't excuse you killing all of our friends; Ali, Sae-byeok, and you even tried to get of rid me during the Sugar Honeycomb game." Gi-hun argued back. "You knew what the game was and you knew the umbrella was the most impossible one. Why?"

"At first...I wanted you dead but now...what kind of man I'd be like without you throughout the rest of the games? The same man who always kept my heart beating and was my motivation to keep pushing further until now?" Sang-woo said. "I know I fucked up...just please...win this game." Gi-hun looked at the squid head then back at Sang-woo and then he turned to the pink guard.

"Clause 3 of the agreement; The players are able to terminate the games upon majority vote correct?" Gi-hun asked referring to the agreements at the beginning of the game as he began to walk towards Sang-woo.

"So if we both give up, will the games be done?" Gi-hun asked. The VIP all had a look of disbelief behind their masks.

"Player 456 wants to end the game." The Front Man announced.

"He's giving up the money? When he's on the brink of winning!?" VIP 1 asked in disbelief.

"No fucking way!?"

"C'mon now!"

"Sang-woo, when we were kids...I remember when our moms would call us inside." Gi-hun began. "I used to hate leaving you because I wanted to be with you all day everyday...but now...there's no one to call us home now." Gi-hun then reached his hand out for Sang-woo to grab.

"Just take my hand, we can still make things right just the two of us." Gi-hun said. Sang-woo began to sob as guilt finally consumed him. He did grab Gi-hun's hand but pulled him down for a kiss then he grabbed Gi-hun's knife with his other hand and slit his throat.

"I'm sorry." Sang-woo choked out.

"Sang-woo! No, no why would you do that!?" Gi-hun cried. Sang-woo began to speak but Gi-hun shushed him.

"Don't speak anymore, I'll get help." Gi-hun announced. Sang-woo caressed Gi-hun's cheek as tears slid down his face.

"Gi-hun, if you love me, promise me one thing; My mother, go help her. You have to help her." Sang-woo mumbled out as his eyes begin to shut on him much to Gi-hun's dismay.

"Sang-woo? Sang-woo! No! Don't! Please don't!" Gi-hun cried as he rested his head on Sang-woo's chest.

During the ride home, the Front Man spoke to Gi-hun.

"You should celebrate." The Front Man said. "that was quiet a game there."

Gi-hun may have won the money, but he has lost everything; His daughter...his mother...his friends...and now his lover.

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