A Bunch of Dudes and A Little Lady-7

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I was curled up in my bed trying to ease my cramps when I heard footsteps approaching the bedroom door.

"Eolin-i?" I heard Jung Jae's voice as he walked in and saw me in a fetal position. "How are you feeling?" I moaned in pain indicating that I was no where near good. Jung Jae rubbed my back.

"Poor girl." Jung Jae thought to himself before he spoke. "Hey, I was wondering if you want to hang with me since I feel like you and I rarely get to have a one-on-one time together." I looked up at him to see his warm smile then sat up slowly.

"I undertsand you're still in pain but-" I shot him a thumbs up as I got up and limped my way to go get changed.

"Hmm, I guess she's not letting her cramps get the better of her." Jung Jae thought to himself.

When we got outside, Jung Jae drove up to a building and we went up to the rooftop where there sits a jet black helicopter. My eyes grew wide at the sight of it making Jung Jae chuckle.

"This is what I do on days that I'm bored and I thought you might like it as well." Jung Jae explained as he led me to the helicopter. When we got inside, the helicopter blades began to spin as I looked out the window to see the helicopter slowly rising up from the landing pad. Once we were in the air, I was amazed at the view of all of Seoul. Jung Jae smiled at my reaction.

"You like the view?" Jung Jae asked. I nodded my head as he giggled.

"I'm sure you can see the other guys from up here too." Jung Jae joked as he waved out the window. I'll admit, Jung Jae isn't that bad of a guy when you get to hang with him since the main person I hang out is usually Dong Wook. So, it's about time I gave the other guys a chance. Once we landed back on the building, we got out and left the building. When we got back in the car, Jung Jae was smiling to himself which started to confuse me. I looked out the window to see that he was pulling up to a carnival which brought nostalgia to my mind as flashbacks to when my parents took me to the carnival when I was a toddler began to play.

"Man, back when things felt so simple and happy." I thought to myself as I got out the car. We were walking around trying to find a ride when I looked to see a rollercoaster that was about as high as a mountain. This excited me as I pulled Jung Jae to the line, much to his dismay. Poor Jung Jae was scared out of his mind during the wait and when we got on, I saw him sweating bullets. During the ride, I was just having the adrenaline coursing through my veins while Jung Jae was screaming his poor old heart out. When we got off, Jung Jae was having a hard time keeping his balance so I led him to a bench for him to recover.

"Okay, I could've sworn I saw my life flashing before my eyes." Jung Jae breathed out. "Let's not do that again." I took out my notebook and wrote something down.

Be happy you didn't get a stroke or a heart attack

"Yeah, but rollercoasters are a damn death wish." Jung Jae replied. I excused myself to the bathroom to go change. After I did my business, I was at the sink washing my hands when I felt that someone was behind me. I looked up to see 3 girls who looked roughly my age if not older.

"We saw you with Lee Jung Jae." One girl said.

"Yeah, who are you and why are you with him?" Another girl asked. I didn't reply as I tried to walk out but they all crowded me, preventing me from leaving.

"Answer our question." The third girl demanded. "Are you some young bimbo gold digger or something?" I didn't answer as I stood there looking at them.

"Nothing to say huh?" The first girl said. "Alright then." The first girl then tried to swing at me but I grabbed her wrist and shoved her back. The other 2 girls immediately jumped in with one grabbing at my hoodie while the other one claws at my face. Now when it comes to fighting, I can only defend myself if it was 1v1 but since it's 3v1, I was at a huge disadvantage. All three of the girls surrounded me kicking and punching me. One of them started stomping on my stomach hard which caused my cramps to become so unbearable to where it felt like I wanna throw up. An elderly woman came in and saw what was going on.

K-drama Dudes: Imagines, Headcannons, and Random StuffDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora