Random Headcannons: Dating Ji-woon(Cinderella and the Four Knights)

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Total tsundere

-He can be mean but you know good and well he has a good heart underneath that ice exterior.

"Here." Ji-woon said as he handed you a tray of lunch.

"Oh? For me?" You asked.

"O-only because I had extra food and I don't want it to go to waste!" Ji-woon exclaimed. You smiled as you accept the tray of food.

Really protective

-Always have his arm around you whenever y'all go out

-Will shoot the looker a death glare if they look at you

-Has no problem breaking a person's hand if they were to touch you

A huge dominant tease

-Will pin you against the wall and will give you the most dominant glare ever

-Purposefully bites your neck when you're off guard

-Would skinny dip in the pool and drag you into it as well

Can be the jealous type

-Hates it when Hyun-min flirts with you

-Doesn't show it verbally but it's within the body language like he'll mumble something under his breath, he'll try to grab your attention away from others, etc.

-Would dip and kiss you in front of everyone to claim dominance.

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