Sleepy Baby: K and Su Yeol(Bad and Crazy)

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Su Yeol and K both were driving home. K was jamming to the radio while Su Yeol was focusing on the road until he turned off the radio.

"Hey! I was listening to that!" K scolded.

"I need to focus and the music was distracting." Su Yeol explained. K crossed his arms.

"You're no fun." K said. "Wait until we get home, maybe Y/N will jam with me."

Su Yeol rolled his eyes as he continued to drive.

When they got home, K burst through the door yelling your name.

"Y/N! Your men of the law has returned home!" K boomed.

No response.

Su Yeol and K both looked at each other confused.

"Y/N?" Su Yeol called out as he walked around the house.

K looked to see you on the couch sleeping peacefully. Your hair was messed up and your face flushed and covered in sweat. K looked to see the kitchen and living room spotless then ran into the bathroom to also see the same results.

"Looks like Y/N had been busy with the house." Su Yeol said as he looked at you and smiled. Su Yeol then picked you up bridal style and carried you into your bedroom. You felt your back come in contact with the soft surface which made you moan in relief as you automatically grabbed a pillow and began to cuddle with it.

"Awww, so cute." K whispered out.

"Alright, we'll let Y/N sleep so we might as well wo-" Su Yeol turned to see K holding a sharpie then shot him a death glare.

"Alright I won't do it." K said as he put the sharpie up. "Can never have fun." He mumbled to himself. Su Yeol smiled then walked over to your side of the bed and kissed your forehead. K did the same as he lightly dragged his finger across your lips which made you wake up slowly.

"Hmm?" You began as you opened your eyes to see K and Su Yeol smiling at you. "Hey guys." You said in a raspy voice as you sat up and stretched.

"Hey cutiepie." K whispered as he kissed your forehead. "I see you've cleaned the house for us."

"Yeah, I was bored so I decided to clean." You explained.

"Thank you Y/N." Su Yeol said.

"I'll go make dinner." You announced as you got up but K pushed you back down on the bed as Su Yeol and K both climbed into the bed with you.

"Dinner can wait, I'm only hungry for cuddles." Su Yeol said as he buried his face into your neck while K wrapped his arms around your waist.

"I love you guys." You said.

"We love you too." Both said in unison as they pecked your face.

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