The Goblin, The Grim, and The Shapeshifter-3(Gong Yoo and Lee Dong Wook)

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Y/n was hiding behind the pillar while Goblin stepped forward to the throne. There on the throne sat King Taejo, who was known for being very hard to please at times.

"Your highness." Goblin began as he knelt down to the king. King Taejo raised an eyebrow at Goblin.

"What brings you to my feet young knight?" King Taejo asked.

"Your highness, I would like to grant permission someone." Goblin said as he gulped.

"State that person's name." King Taejo ordered. Grim grabbed Y/n's hand and led Y/n out to the the throne. The king raised an eyebrow at Y/n who stood there shaking in fear.

"And who might you be?" King Taejo asked.

"M-my name is-"

"Speak louder!" King Taejo bellowed making Y/n scared even more.

"M-my n-name is Y/n!" Y/n shouted. "The reaper and your knight found me." King Taejo scoffed.

"So this is the person you want granted to the castle? Unless this person can give me a reason to why I should grant access to the castle here, this peasant has to leave." King Taejo condescendingly said. Y/n grew annoyed at King Taejo's snooty attitude so Y/n began to shape shift in front the king as his eyes began to grow wide.

"Does this count as your answer?" Y/n asked while in the form of a centaur. King Taejo returned back to his straight face but was still trembling on the inside.

"Hmm, a shapeshifter huh? Your kind is a rare breed." King Taejo pointed out.

"I'm aware of that your highness." Y/n replied. "There isn't much of us left."

"We were thinking that we could keep Y/n here until a mate comes by to help repopulate." Goblin stated. King Taejo pondered for a bit then looked at the 3.

"I'll grant this person access to the castle, under one condition." King Taejo stated.

"Pray tell your highness." Grim said.

"You two become this person's guardians." King Taejo ordered. "Strictly business only."

"Yes your highness." Goblin and Grim said in sync. Y/n smiled knowing the fact that Y/n will be living in a castle instead of having to spend another night in the cold.

"You three are now dismissed." King Taejo ordered. "On with you." When the three left, King Taejo got up from his throne and hurried into the library that was in the south wing. 

"Your highness! What troubles you?" The librarian asked.

"I've came across a shapeshifter." King Taejo replied. The librarian's eyes grew wide.

"What? But I thought they were extinct." The librarian said.

"I did too but my knight and the reaper brought this creature to me." King Taejo said in a thrilled tone. "Turns out that's the last shapeshifter."

"This is amazing! Maybe we can find another possible shapeshifter and cou-"

"No." King Taejo said cutting the librarian off.

"I beg your pardon your highness?" The librarian asked.

"My main goal is to not just find a mate for this shapeshifter but once this shapeshifter bares more shapeshifters...I'll execute this one and hold the babies prisoner and raise them to be my knights as well." King Taejo explained.

"B-but your highness, it seems very distasteful to separate a family." The librarian stated. "Especially if it's the last of it's own kind."

"Not if it's a possible opportunity to raise a powerful army to the castle." King Taejo replied with an evil smirk.

"Oh gods help us all." The librarian thought to themselves.

With the trio, Y/n was in the form of an eagle soaring while laughing.

"Man, this is going to be awesome!" Y/n shouted while changing back into human form and falling from the sky. Goblin freaked then ran to catch Y/n. Y/n landed in Goblin's arm bridal style.

"Don't give me a heart attack like that!" Goblin scolded. Y/n smirked.

"And thank you for catching me, my knight." Y/n smugly said. Goblin looked away trying not to let his face become red.

"Er...let's just go find you some clothing." Goblin said as he set Y/n down and began to walk next to Grim.

"It's nice that the king is letting Y/n stay with us." Grim said.

"Yes but remember, we can't form any sort of bond with Y/n." Goblin pointed out. "It'll be against the king's orders."

"How would he know though?" Grim asked. Goblin shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know and I don't wanna risk it either." Goblin said.

"Bah! I doubt that we'll get caught." Grim chuckled out as they continued to walk into the village. There watching them from afar was Su, who was the king's stooge.

"I'll be keeping a close eye on them...for you highness." Su said as he blushed.

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