A Bunch of Dudes and A Little Lady(Idea)

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Okay so this was an idea I had from a dream. That dream was what if I winded up living with the k-drama dudes themselves.

I continued to run and run as I heard the yelling of a bunch of angry dudes behind me.

"Hey! Get back here!"

"You're dead you little shit!"

"Your father still owes us, now come back here!"

Yep, you heard them right. My father, who's in a shit ton of debt, sold me to the people he owed money to. Talk about a really shitty thing to do to your own daughter. I've seen movies and TV shows on what happens to girls who get pawned off by their fathers so there's no way in Hell I'm taking that chance. So here I am, running through Seoul, South Korea, trying to avoid these guys at all costs. My legs were already starting to wear out on me but I'll be damned if I let these guys catch up to me so I continued to run, ignoring the possible thought of my legs falling off on me. All of a sudden, lo and behold! I found sancuary in the form of a mail truck. The trunk was still open so I dived in and hid in a huge box. Before the mob could reach me, the mailman scolded them for trying to break into the back of his truck. The mailman closed the trunk door and got into the driver's seat.

I felt the truck move and sighed in relief, knowing that I'll be far away from those guys.

"I wonder who's package I'm in." I thought to myself.


In a nice mansion house lies our favorite Korean male actors, Lee Jung Jae, Lee Dong Wook, Park Hae-soo, Anupam Tripathi, Wi Ha Jun, Gong "Ji-cheol" Yoo, and Heo Sung Tae.

"Man, I'm glad we got a day off from acting." Jung Jae said.

"I agree but honestly...I'm used to having something to do so today kinda feels slow and boring." Anupam replied as he continued to make his Chi tea. Dong Wook was at the window glaring outside, which grabbed Ha Jun's attention.

"Dude, what are you looking at?" Ha Jun asked.

"I'm waiting for my package." Dong Wook replied.

"It'll get here man, be patient." Ha Jun assured. Dong Wook sighed.

"What did you order?" Jung Jae asked.

"Just some sweets." Dong Wook replied.

"Really? Won't your personal trainer get mad at you?" Ji-cheol asked.

"I won't tell if you won't tell." Dong Wook chuckled. All of sudden, there was the sound of a truck. Dong Wook looked outside to see the mail truck.

"Oh! It's here!" Dong Wook said gleefully as he ran outside on the porch. Mailman looked like he was struggling with the package so Dong Wook gave him a hand as they carried it to the door.

"Alright sir, sign here." The Mailman ordered as he took out a clipboard. Dong Wook signed and pushed the box inside the house. Everyone's eyes grew wide.

"Geez, what did you order? A whole entire wedding cake?" Sung Tae asked.

"Just some doughnuts, some dalgonas, some creampies, and some cake pops." Dong Wook replied as he took out a knife, getting ready to cut through the tape. He paused as he looked to see that the tape was already has been ripped off.

"Huh? Did they not tape it on there right?" Dong Wook asked himself as he opened the box and his eyes grew wide.


Everyone hurried over to the box and leaned their heads in to see me curled up into a ball asleep.

"A kid?" Hae-soo questioned.

K-drama Dudes: Imagines, Headcannons, and Random StuffWhere stories live. Discover now