K-drama Dudes Preferences: Type of Ship Dynamics

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Gong Yoo

Rivals to Lovers

You two used to always compete at being the best at everything. If the song, "Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better" was a person, that would be y'all two. Ji-cheol did start the rivalry, only because he thought it was cute when you get mad and competitive. You couldn't lie and say that you found him attractive but his cocky like attitude always pisses you off but you liked it when he uses it to be flirty with you.

Lee Dong Wook

Best Friends

You and Dong Wook had been best friends since y'all first baby steps. Dong Wook always had a thing for you but he never had the guts to tell you because you were already in the relationship. Well, when your relationship went south, he was your shoulder to cry on. After months of healing, your heart began to swell whenever you and him were in the same room until one day you peck his cheek while he was reading. His eyes grew wide as he looked at your blushing face then smiled as he picked you up and spun you around.

Wi Ha Jun

Tsundere x Deredere

Many people do ask Ha Jun why is he friends with you when you're a complete asshole to him. Ha Jun always say that you're not that bad once they get to know you. You will admit; You are mean to Ha Jun but that's because you like him, but you were afraid that he wouldn't like you the same way. You would always do kind gestures to him like making him an extra lunch for example.

You walked up to Ha Jun one morning.

"Oh, hey YN-"

"Here!" You exclaimed cutting him off as you handed him the extra lunch.

"O-oh? For me?" Ha Jun asked.

"Yes, my mom made extra food so I didn't want it to go to waste." You lied.

"Oh, well thanks YN." Ha Jun thanked with a smile as he accepted the lunch. "I did forget to pack my own lunch today."

"You're so forgetful!" You scolded.

"Sorry, but thanks again." Ha Jun chuckled.

"Y-yeah whatever, I only did it because I had extras...not because that I care!" You exclaimed as your face turned red.

Ha Jun does like that caring side of you though.

Lee Jung Jae

The Dumbass Kultz x Smart Person 

So, Jung Jae loses focus real easily when he falls in love. When he met you back in high school, he could not admire your presence without something going awry. One day during Chemistry class, you were partnered up with him to do some chemical mixing. 

"Okay so be careful not to mix this with this." You advised him as you pointed at the two tubes filled with chemicals.

"Why?" Jung Jae asked.

"Well, they would cause a huge explosion." You replied. "You see, this chemical here..."

Jung Jae just tuned out your explanation while he just stared you with the biggest dopey smile ever. He began to imagine you two being together as high school sweethearts when he heard you call out to him.

"Jung Jae...Jung Jae...JUNG JAE YOU'RE MIXING THE WRONG CHEMICALS!" You screamed as Jung Jae snapped out of it to see him pouring the same chemicals, that you advised him not to mix, into one beaker.

"Oh fu-"


Everyone in the class room began to cough as the teacher instructed everyone to leave the classroom. Everyone left out covered in smoldering ashes. You looked at Jung Jae with a straight face as he chuckled.

"What happened?" You sighed out.

"I-I-I was beauty by blinded...I mean blinded by beauty!" Jung Jae stammered out as everyone around him laugh. You chuckled as he looked at you with a nervous smile then rubbed the back of his neck. After that, he just became your clumsy boyfriend who you admire dearly.

Park Hae-soo

Optimistic x Pessimistic 

Okay, how the heck do you, a happy go lucky person, ended up with Park Hae-soo, a man who doesn't have the word "Happiness" in his dictionary? Well, Hae-soo winded up being the one falling for your cheery attitude. While Hae-soo doesn't like to look on the bright side of things, he does like it when you try to cheer him up into looking on the bright side of things. You're literally his only source of happiness. Plus, he doesn't want to admit it, but he does love it when you hug him when he's in a grumpy mood.

Anupam Tripathi

The Fighter x Peacemaker

Okay, so you have the temper of a raging bull. Anupam has lost tracks of how many fights you've gotten into and how many times he had to apologize for your actions. Well, there were times where your fighting was necessary. Mainly when someone is bothering the two of you. You two were out on a date when a person began to hit on Anupam.

"Hey, he's with me so fuck off." You order.

"As if, what are you? His bodyguard because you're built like one." The person insulted.

Welllllll...you two were banned from that restaurant after you uppercut the person and they crashed into the dessert bar.

"You know, you should've just reported it to the manger right?" Anupam suggested.

"Nobody harasses you nor insults my figure." You stated. Anupam chuckled as he pecked your forehead.

"My hero." He thought to himself.

Heo Sung Tae

The Tough Bully x Sweetheart

Back in high school, Sung Tae was well known as the most intimidating guy in the school. He has no problem punching the shit out of someone if they were to even look at him the wrong way. When he met you, he didn't know what it was but he had the urge to protect you at all costs. Whenever his friends made fun of you, Sung Tae would bark at them to leave you alone, much to their confusion. You never thought of Sung Tae being scary, but rather a guy who acts tough in order to defend for himself against others. One day, you were being bullied by someone and Sung Tae came up and beat the loving shit out of that person. You thanked him but then looked at his hand to see it bleeding.

You insisted on mending his wound, despite him saying that he'll be fine. While you were mending his wound, Sung Tae looked at you and smiled. He loves this caring side of you. Sung Tae just pulled you into a hug, which made you flustered but you hugged him back. Sung Tae then swore to protect you everytime he sees you. He would walk you everywhere from classes to your house, he would always step in if someone were to made you uncomfortable, and let's not forget that he's always making sure that you didn't get assaulted. He would always check for any cuts and bruises which always make you chuckle and go;

"I'm fine, I'm always safe when I'm with you."

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