Opposites Attract-Wi Ha Jun(Bad & Crazy)

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You were the sterotypical quiet and shy type in school. You never focused on relationships, only books. Well that all changed when you met...him.

Who is "him"?

His name is K, as in H, I, J, K. He's...well if Chaotic Neutral was person, that would be him. He can be very unpredictable with his actions at times. He also has the rep as the school's bad boy but, the only thing is that many find him as a bit of a nuisance, unlike his brother, Soo-yeol.

You were walking down the halls to your next class when you saw K. K was fighting with someone for reasons that you were sure were unclear. The guy goes flying making you get out of the way.

Dude, what the hell!" You exclaimed. K just smirked at you.

"Well hello to you too." K said.

"Does it ever occur to you that people are also nearby when you knock other people into next week?" You scolded.

"Then they should just get out the way then." K replied with a shrug. Soo-yeol walked up to him.

"K, did you get into another fight?" Soo-yeol asked.

"Yup, guy shouldn't have looked at me the wrong way." K stated as he brushed his hair back. Soo-yeol sighed.

"Why are you like this?" Soo-yeol asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"Because I like being feared." K replied.

"People aren't afraid of you..." You pointed out. "...you're more of a menance."

"Y/N's right man." Soo-yeol agreed.

"Hmm, even better." K nonchalantly said with a shrug. " A menance huh? Has a nice ring to it." Soo-yeol just facepalmed as he grabbed K's arm and led him down the hall way. You made your way to class, just before the bell was gonna ring.

"Oh, thank God." You thought to yourself as you took out your notebook.

P.E came around. The coach blew the whistle making everyone line up.

"Alright you all! Today we're gonna play a classic game of Dodgeball!" The coach yelled as everyone groaned.

"And I'll be picking your team captains today." The coach announced. The coach scanned through the line of students until he looked at you and K.

"Alright, the team captains would be K and Y/N." The coach said. "Go pick your teammates." 

Once you've picked your team, it was game on. K was a complete killer during the game. He would chuck the ball so hard at someone to where they fall over.

"Gack! I'm internally bleeding." One student from your team groaned out.

"K, do you really have to throw that hard?" Soo-yeol asked. He was on your team.

"It's Dodgeball bro, meaning it's a fight to the death." K justified.

"Not really." You said.

"Oh really? Well then heads up!" K yelled as he aimed the ball at you. It was coming at you full speed but Soo-yeol jumped in. The ball smacked him in the face. Soo-yeoln walked off the court so it was now down to you and K.

"Well, well, well, it's just you and me, nerd." K chuckled out. You just glared at him. K chucked the ball at you but you dodged it in time.

"Damn." K thought to himself surprised. You picked up a ball and threw it at him but he dodged it, rolling out the way.

"Too slow." K giggled out. "Why don't you give up because you and I both know who's gonna wi-"

K was too busy talking, which gave you time to grab another ball and chucked it at him, hitting him below the belt. The coach blew the whistle.

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