Goblin: Summoning Shenanigans

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Alright, so ever since you've learned how to summon up Kim Shin, your goblin love interest, you've been going at it like crazy, much to his dismay. There were some summoning moments that he wouldn't forget but you still laugh about them to this day.


You were bored one day in the house so you decided to summon up Kim Shin. You grabbed a match box, took out a match and lit it, then blew the flame out. Kim Shin appeared up wearing an apron while holding two wooden spoons.

"Huh? What the?" Kim Shin exclaimed as he looked to see that he wasn't at his location. He saw you then looked at you with a straight face.

"I left the stove on you know." Kim Shin pointed out making you laugh.

"Sorry, I was bored." You replied.

"If the house burns down, it's gonna be your fault you know." Kim Shin stated as he walked off then teleported back to his usually location.


So, you were outside after running some errands. You bought something for Kim Shin to have and you thought it'll be easier if you were to summon him instead of walking all the way to his house. You lit a match then blew out the flame and turned around to see Kim Shin...in nothing but a towel. Kim Shin yelled as he covered himself up.

"Hey! Are you crazy!?" Kim Shin yelled. You covered your face while blushing.

"I...um...got this for you." You stammered out as you handed him the stuff.

"Couldn't this have waited until you're at my house or at least when I'm out the shower?" Kim Shin asked.

"How was I supposed to know that you were in the shower?" You giggled out. Kim Shin took the stuff out your hand while looking at you with a straight face.

"So lucky that only you could see me." Kim Shin admitted. "I don't know how people react to a goblin popping out of no where wearing nothing but a towel."

"Well some might consider themselves lucky." You joked. Kim Shin just looked at you like, "Really?"

"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go get changed before I catch a cold out here." Kim Shin announced as he teleported back to his house.


You were in bed one night. You were reading a romantic novel then you sighed as you looked at the lit candle then a light bulb lit up in your head. You blew the flame out of the candle then you felt some weight on the bed. You turned over to see Kim Shin laying the bed confused.

"Huh? Where am I?" Kim Shin asked as he looked at you.

"You're in my bedroom." You replied with a flirty giggle.

"You are one vulgar individual." Kim Shin commented. You climbed on top of him.

"But you love it though." You replied. Kim Shin smirked as he wrapped his arms around you.

"Indeed I do." Kim Shin answered as he pecked your lips.


Okay so this one was when Grim was in on it as well. You two decided to pull a prank on him by having him be summoned into a pool of animal blood since he hates it so much.

"Okay, is it set?" You asked.

"Indeed." Grim replied as he smirked. "Light a match."

You lit a match while trying your hardest not to laugh.

"Ready?" Grim asked. You nodded your head as you blew the flame out.

Okay...so the prank was a bad idea. Because...you summoned Kim Shin...while he was on the toilet. He screamed as he covered his private parts with the newspaper.

"What the hell you two!" Kim Shin yelled.

"Okay...I probably should've waited until the opportunity is right." You spoke as you hid the match behind your back.

"And I didn't even get to wipe!" Kim Shin yelled. You and Grim groaned in disgust.

"Okay yeah, this was a bad idea." Grim laughed.

"Not funny." Kim Shin scolded as he waddled out the room, pants still around his ankles.

You still found it funny to this day. He doesn't though and hates it when you bring it up.

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