Random Headcannons: Dating Heo Sung Tae

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You two met on set for Squid Game

You played a really small role of one the players. After you were finished with the Tug-o-War scene, you were pretty exhausted since it was the most difficult scene to act out. You went to go get you a bottle of water then rest when you heard the sound of someone vomitting in the bathrooms.

"Hey, are you alright?" You called out from the other side of the door.

"No." You heard a male voice groan out. You recognize the voice to be that of one of the main actors Heo Sung Tae, who plays as Jang Deok-su a.k.a Player 101.

"Do you want me to get you anything?" You asked. Sung Tae threw up before he spoke.

"Just...some...water and food." Sung Tae groaned out. You went to go grab something then returned back to the bathroom.

"Okay, I got you a bottle of water and some chips, will that work?" You asked. You heard footsteps then the door swung open, revealing Sung Tae in a clearly not so good condition. You led him to the chair and handed him the snack.

"Thank you." Sung Tae groaned out as he took a huge gulp of water.

"That Tug-o-War scene was the hardest to film." You said.

"Don't say 'Tug-o-War'...that's gonna make me throw up again." Sung Tae said covering his mouth. You quickly grabbed a nearby trashcan and handed it to him. He threw up right into the trashcan while you patted his back.

"Let it all out sir." You said as you patted his back. Sung Tae then set the trashcan down and looked at you. He looked like he was drunk but he obviously wasn't.

"Thank you um..." Sung Tae began.

"Y/N." You replied.

"Y/N." Sung Tae finished as he took another swig of water.

"Are you going to be okay?" You asked. "I can have the director to send you home early."

"No, no, I'll be fine." Sung Tae declined. "Just some water and food and I'll be back to acting in no time." Taking his words, you got up but he grabbed your hand.

"Please stay? I honestly do like to have a little nurse around actually." Sung Tae joked as he gave you a weak smile. You smiled back as you sat back down to keep him some company while he recovers.

He takes you to an amusement park

When it was your day off from filming, Sung Tae took the opportunity to ask you out on a date. He took you to a local amusement park but things kinda went downhill from that. This poor man. He wanted to made sure you had fun by getting on the rollercoaster and spin rides with you but that wasn't the smartest thing to do. Especially if he has a very weak stomach. You were waiting for him outside the bathroom while he finished throwing up.

"Why would you get on the rides with me when you know that you'll be throwing up afterwards?" You asked.

"I...wanted to make sure that you were having fun." Sung Tae answered as he threw up. You shook your head and chuckled.

"Well, when you're done vomitting, I think I know one more ride that we can do." You said. You two winded up going on the Tunnel of Love. Yes it's the corniest ride ever but, you hoped that it would the only ride he could get on just fine. During the ride, you noticed him staring at you.

"What?" You giggled out.

"Just admiring your cuteness." Sung Tae coo'ed making you blush. You giggled as you played with his long hair that he grew out for his Deok-su character.

"You know...for a big and scary gangster, you are the biggest sweetheart I've ever met." You commented. Sung Tae smiled.

"Thanks, thanks for being the one who sees me for me." Sung Tae grabbed your hand and kissed the palm.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" You asked. Sung Tae sighed.

"Many people never liked me because I always play the role as the bad guy every single time." Sung Tae explained. "I did spiral in depression after that." Your heart broke after hearing that.

"Well think of it like this; When they hate your character, you know that you did a kick ass job acting." You said making him crack a small smile. "Plus, I'm sure the people who hate, are the ones who can't tell fictional from reality." Sung Tae chuckle.

"Well, I'm glad I'm on a date with someone who gets me." Sung Tae sighed as he rested his head on yours. You smiled as you interwined your fingers with his.

He asked you to be his when rehearsing the Marbles scene

You and him were acting out the Marbles scene together. His character was partnered up with your character and he was supposed to win the round of Marbles. You two were playing Odd or Even with the marbles and you noticed that he a slight smirk on his face. Assuming that he was still in character, you thought nothing of it.

"Alright, Odd or Even?" Sung Tae asked.

"Um, Even?" You asked going along with the script. Sung Tae smiled as he opened his hand. However, there wasn't any marbles in his hand but rather a small origami made heart sitting at the palm of his hand.

"Cut!" The director yelled out. You just looked at him confused as he smiled at you.

"W-what is this?" You chuckled out.

"Y/N, will you be mine?" Sung Tae asked. You looked to see everyone watching then you turned back to and hugged him tight.

"Yes, my crazy gangster." You giggled. Everyone went "Aww" as he hugged you back.

He fights for your love and attention against his own cats

You learned that Sung Tae is a cat dad to two cats. When he introduced you to them, you immediately fell in love with them. However...this became a minor issue because everytime when he wants to cuddle with you, his cats always beat him to it.

"Y/N, c'mon I wanna cuddle." Sung Tae whined.

"I'm sorry but I can't say no to my babies." You coo'ed as you kissed one of the cats' head.

"I thought I was your baby." Sung Tae protested. You giggled at his jealousy.

"Fine, you can spoon me." You offered. Sung Tae got happy as he made his way to the bed and laid down behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your cheek.

"Mine." Sung Tae told his cats who just tilted their heads in confusion at him. You giggled as you went to sleep cuddled up with your favorite babies...but Sung Tae was the biggest baby of them all.

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