My One and Only Goblin: Gong Yoo

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"Oppa, can you pass the spice?" You asked as you continued to chop up carrots.

Kim Shin, a.k.a Goblin, used his telekinesis to grab the spice from the fridge and levitate it to you.

"You could've just gotten up and went to the fridge." You stated with a chuckle.

"Yeah, but why do that when I can use my powers?" Shin replied as he went back to reading his book.

You sighed as you shook the spice into the pot.

Yeah, you've been married to this goblin of a man for 2 years now. You've also been living with the Grim Reaper and his nephew and it's been like you've found your own family.

How so?

Let me, the author, tell you the story behind it.

"Yn! Where's your mother's checkbook!" Your aunt scolded as she grabbed you by the shirt.

You looked at her with tears in your eyes as you blubbered out,

"I don't know!"

"Don't lie to me! Your mother left you the checkbook when she died." Your aunt pointed out as she let you go and began to tear your room apart looking for the checkbook.

You look to see your uncle and cousin stand by and watch with evil smirks on their faces.

You thought to yourself that you can't take this anymore. 

Ever since your mom died in a car crash, your aunt, uncle, and cousin have been making your life a living hell. Some days you wished that you were to die with your mom in the crash if you knew that your life was going to be like this.

You got up and tried to make a run for it, only to be pulled back by your uncle, who was grabbing you by the arm.

"Where do you think you're going? You're not leaving this place!" Your uncle growled through his teeth.

You elbowed your uncle in the gut, making him let you go as you ran to the door. Once you were out, you didn't look back and tuned out your aunt and cousin's shrieks for you to come back.

Once you were far away from that hell that was labeled 'Home', you found yourself at a cliff. Below the cliff was the ocean where the waves were crashing against the rocky surface.

You sat down as you took out your lighter. You received it as a gift long ago when you were a little pyromaniac. You ignited the lighter as you examined the flame.

"If life were easier at the flicker of a light." You thought to yourself as you blew the flame out.

All of a sudden, it began to grow windy.

You grew cold and thought it'd be your cue to go. You got up and nearly jumped when you were face to face with a stranger the minute you turned around.

"Dah! Who are you!?" You yelled as you got into your defense stance.

The strange man let out a small chuckle.

"Are you a killer? A pervert?" You asked.

"Your Goblin husband." The man replied.

You went silent for a minute before you tried to kick the man in his head. He grabbed your foot before it came in contact with his head.

"Now that's no way to treat your lover." The man stated with a tut.

"Look, I'm not in the mood for this." You claimed. "If you're here to kill me, might as well do it now to put me out of my misery." You stated.

K-drama Dudes: Imagines, Headcannons, and Random StuffKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat