Random Headcannons: Dating Lee Jung Jae

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You two met when walking by

It was a cold rainy day. You were rushing to get to work when you accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh! Sorry!" You exclaimed.

"No, no it's no worries." A male voice say. You two made eye contact and you got lost in his eyes. Lee Jung Jae chuckled making you snap back into reality.

"O-oh, right sorry." You said as you got up blushing. Jung Jae got up and smiled at you.

"You know you have something on your face." Jung Jae pointed out.

"What?" You asked as you patted your face. Jung Jae lifted your chin with his index finger.

"Cuteness." Jung Jae said as he gave you a smug smile. You squeaked as you pulled away with your face turning red.

Your first date was at a nature walk

When fall time hit. You two decided to do a nature walk for your first date since Jung Jae is a fan of the colorful leaves in the trees. During your walk, you two came across a cat who was curled up by the tree. Jung Jae smiled as he knelt down to the stray cat and took out some leftover mackerel. 

"You hungry?" Jung Jae coo'ed. The cat got up and meow at him then rubbed up against his legs making him chuckle. You smiled as the cat walked up to you and chirped at you.

"I think he likes you." Jung Jae said. You pick the cat up and petted him which made the cat purr with delight.

"Maybe we should take him to some place warm." You said. Jung Jae nodded his head in agreement as you both continued your walk with your new feline friend.

He asked you to be his during an interview

You were at home watching Jung Jae and the rest of the Squid Game cast in Late Night with Jimmy Fallon on TV. You chuckled at Jung Jae explaining the one scene where he made Ho-yeon laugh. After Park Hae-soo, the guy who plays as Cho Sang-woo a.k.a Player 218, explained that he's now a dad and how people call his son "Baby Squid", Jimmy then asked Jung Jae a question.

"So, um, Jung Jae is there a special someone in your life?" Jimmy asked. Jung Jae looked at the camera as if he was looking at you.

"Yes and the name is Y/N...if Y/N wants to be mine." Jung Jae said making you spit out your cereal.  

"I know you're watching this cutiepie, will you be mine?" Jung Jae asked as he did the finger hearts at the camera making everyone go awww. You waited until the interview was over to say yes to him over the phone.

Such a funny man

Now how can a grown man like Jung Jae have the heart of a child? There's never a dull day for you due to his antics. You were asleep one time when you felt yourself being lifted up.

"JJ! What are you doing!?" You squealed out. Jung Jae spun you around then tossed you back on the bed. He climbed on top of you and began to peck all over your face making you squeal and laugh.

"Showing my love to you." Jung Jae replied nuzzling your neck. Y'all pet cat, Mao, jumped on the bed and cuddled up next to you but Jung Jae pulled you closer to him.

"Mine." Jung Jae said as he playfully hissed as Mao. You giggled as you pecked his cheek.

"You play too much." You giggled out.

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