The Goblin, The Grim, and The Shapeshifter-2(Gong Yoo and Lee Dong Wook)

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Grim woke up to find the raven missing. He began to panic as he shot out of bed and searched around the bedroom. Grim ran out the bedroom, thinking that the raven could've flew out a window or something but when he got to the kitchen, he saw a nude human being there eating bread.

"Who are you!? Explain yourself knave!" Grim yelled. The nude human turned around.

"Sir? Sir!" The human exclaimed while walking towards Grim. Grim stepped back while bringing out a sword.

"Stay back!" Grim yelled. 

"What's going on?" Goblin yelled from the kitchen.

"There's a nude knave in the kitchen!" Grim yelled back.

"Very funny Grim but I'm not in the mood for your jokes." Goblin yelled back. "I'm still in the laboratory after dinner! Thanks a lot you jerk!" 

"Sir, do you not remember me?" The human asked. "It's me, your familiar."

"Lies! My familiar was a raven! What have you done with my raven!?" Grim yelled as he lifted the sword up. The human sighed then shape shifted into a raven. Grim dropped his sword in disbelief once the human fully shape shifted into a raven then back into a human.

"Now do you believe me sir?" The human asked.

"A shape shifter?" Grim began. "I thought your kind went extinct."

"I'm actually the last of my kind, sir." The human replied. Grim's eyes grew wide.

"Really?" Grim asked. The human nodded.

"I've collected souls of your kind before in the past many years ago." Grim claimed. "I believe the first shape shifter's soul I've sent to the afterlife was-"

"Park Jung." The human replied cutting Grim off.

"Y-yeah, how did you know?" Grim asked.

"Because that's my great great great grandfather." The human replied. Grim's mouth dropped. Goblin walked into the kitchen.

"Alright, I think it's out of my system no-Whoa! Whoa!" Goblin exclaimed as he looked away from the nude human. Grim realized that the human was still naked and looked away with his face turning red. 

"Uhhh, should we get you some clothes? Actually hold on." Grim said as he took his pajama shirt off and wrapped it around the human being.

"Oh, thank you sir." The human said.

"Please, you can call me Yeo or Grim." Grim said.

"I like Grim." The human said with a smile.

"What's your name?" Grim asked.

"It's Y/n." The human replied. 

"Is Y/n still naked?" Goblin asked.

"I'm in Grim's pajama shirt." Y/n announced. Goblin turned around and sighed.

"Goblin, this is a shape shifter!" Grim exclaimed. Y/n giggled at the name.

"What? That's impossible, I thought those guys were extinct." Goblin said.

"Me too but Y/n's the last of them." Grim said.

"My...parents were killed by hunters and they're still after me." Y/n said. "They left me with instructions to continue on the family line."

"You poor thing." Grim said. 

"Eh, I'm sure you'll find a mate soon." Goblin nonchalantly said. Grim shot him a straight glare.

"Anyway, um, where's your home?" Grim asked.

"Burned down." Y/n replied.

"You can stay with us-"

"Absolutely not!" Goblin exclaimed. "We can't risk having a shape shifter here, what if the hunters get here?"

"They won't." Grim replied. "I'll protect you Y/n, come with me." Grim picked Y/n up bridal style and carried Y/n into a spare bedroom.

"You can sleep in here for now." Grim said as he set Y/n down on the bed.

"Thank you sir." Y/n said.

"I told you, you can call me Grim." Grim said. Y/n smiled.

"Is...there other animals you can change into?" Grim asked.

"Oh, here's one I thought you might like." Y/n said. Y/n changed into a griffin to Grim's amazement.

"Wow! This is magnificent!" Grim said.

"You've never seen a griffin?" Y/n asked.

"Not one up close nor in real life." Grim said as he examined Y/n. "You're amazing."

"T-thank you." Y/n said while blushing then changed back into human form.

"Excuse me for a moment." Grim said as he stepped out. He went into the kitchen where Goblin was there drinking his coffee.

"Have you told your pet to leave yet?" Goblin asked.

"Y/n's not a pet, Y/n's an extraordinary creature." Grim retorted.

"Well, I'm not about to get used to Y/ I said, Y/n can't stay here." Goblin said. "It's too risky."

Y/n, being the nosy little shapeshifter, decided to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"I'm willing to take that risk." Grim said.

"Well I'm not." Goblin replied back. "As knight to the castle I say no animals in the castle."

"Uh, Goblin, that's not your call." Grim stated. "That's the king's call." Grim pointed out.

"Damn, I wish I could make calls while as a knight." Goblin grumbled. "W-well we can take this up to the king and if he says no then Y/n has to go."

"And if he says yes?" Grim asked while cocking an eyebrow. Goblin grumbled.

"Then...Y/n can stay, but Y/n's not sleeping in my bedroom." Goblin stated. Grim chuckled as he smiled. Y/n smiled and prayed they'll let Y/n stay with them.

"Please let me stay with them, especially Grim." Y/n thought.

To Be Continued...

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