K-drama Dudes Preferences: Their reaction to your pregnancy

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Female/AFAB readers only

Gong Yoo

You covered your mouth as you stared at the pregnancy test in disbelief. You just glared at the plus sign that appeared across the stick. Your heart began to race at the thought of Ji-cheol's reaction to the news and you feared that it'll be anything but good.

"Y/N!" Ji-cheol called out making you jump and hide the pregnancy test. You scurried out the bathroom and found him in the bedroom, getting undressed.

"Is there something wrong?" You asked.

"Nothing, I just wanna see where you was at." Ji-cheol replied as he looked at you to see you in your nervous state. "Are you okay?"

"O-oh yeah, I'm fine." You lied. "I just had a good exercise and now I'm going to bed." You fake yawned and stretched your arms out.

"It's only 6 p.m." Ji-cheol pointed out. You laid down on the bed and hid your face underneath the covers.

"It was some crazy workout." You chuckled as you fake went to sleep. You eventually went to sleep. You woke up to see Ji-cheol crouching down in front of you holding the pregnancy test you hid. You shot up feeling guilty.

"J-Ji-cheol! Whe-" He cut you off.

"I found this behind the toilet tank, when did you take this?" Ji-cheol asked. You sighed.

"Last night." You confessed.

"When were you gonna tell me?" Ji-cheol asked.

"Eventually, I was afraid of how you'll react." You admitted. Ji-cheol sat at the foot of the bed. He leaned in and pecked your lips then rubbed your belly.

"And I was wondering why you had that beautiful glow." Ji-cheol chuckled as he pecked at your face and neck. "I love you so much." He then lifted your shirt up and pecked at your stomach making you giggle.

"Honey, that tickles." You giggled out as you rubbed his head.

Lee Dong Wook

"Okay Si An, promise me that you won't tell Uncle Wookie, okay?" You whispered. Si An, Dong Wook's nephew, nodded as he shot you the thumbs up.

"Don't tell me what?" You heard a male voice say. You both turned to see Dong Wook standing there with his arms crossed.

"Uh..." Si An began.

"Did you do something wrong?" Dong Wook asked. You and Si An both shook your hands no.

"Alright, if you two didn't do anything wrong, then tell me what are you trying to hide." Dong Wook ordered.

"No Samchon, secret." Si An answered as he put his index finger on his lips. Dong Wook looked at you as you looked away avoiding eye contact. Dong Wook raised an eyebrow then cracked a smirk.

"Okay Si An, if you tell Uncle Wookie the secret, I'll get you your favorite snack." Dong Wook bribed. You looked at him with wide eyes.

"You're foul Lee." You claimed. "Si An, no." 

"C'mon Si An, tell me." Dong Wook chuckled. With Si An only being 5 years old, he was easily persuaded by Dong Wook's bribe.

"Y/N has a something inside her belly." Si An announced while pointing at your belly. Dong Wook just looked at him confused.

"That's it? I thought it was something more crazy." Dong Wook chuckled out.

"No Samchon, she has a person in there." Si An specified. Dong Wook's smile disappeared from his face as he looked at you shocked.

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