Random Headcannons: Dating Oh Gyeong Tae

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You were a victim of sex trafficking

You had tears running down your face as you saw your kidnapper fall to the ground dead, blood running out of their neck. You looked up to see the man who rescued you as you felt yourself getting lifted up and carried out to the ambulance.

While laying in the hospital bed, the police man was sitting down next to you.

"Are you okay?" The man asked as he grabbed your hand. "One squeeze is yes, two squeezes is no." He clarified.

You squeezed his hand once.

"Did you know how you ended up there?" The man asked.

You squeezed his hand twice as you spoke.

"All...I remember is...a man approaching me outside of my job and...I saw black afterwards." You croaked out.

The police man jot it down in his notepad.

"How long were you in there?" The police man asked.

"I...don't know." You replied as you sniffled. "It felt like weeks."

The police man looked to see tears sliding down your face then sighed.

"Don't worry about that bastard, they'll be taken to the worse prison in this area." The police man assured you.

You gave the police man a weak smile as he returned a warm smile back at you.

"Officer Oh! We have to go!" A tall man wearing a suit and short black hair walked in.

"Coming Officer Ryu!" Officer Oh replied as he hurried out the room.

"Who are you?" You thought to yourself as you began to fall asleep.

You started working at the police station

It has been 3 years since the sex trafficking incident. After going to therapy and trying to find ways to handle your PTSD and Anxiety, you started working at the police station. When you stepped in, you almost ran into someone.

"Oh! Sorry!" You apologized as you bowed down to the person.

However, after you raised your head up, you were face to face with Officer Oh; the same man who saved you 3 years ago.

"H-hey! It's you!" Officer Oh exclaimed with a chuckle.

"It's been years huh?" You chuckled out.

"It has, how have you've been?" Officer Oh asked.

"Oh, just taking up boxing and therapy after I was taken against my will." You replied in a nonchalant tone.

Officer Oh rubbed the back of his neck nervously before he cleared his throat.

"Well, um, welcome to the police force..." Officer Oh dragged on.

"Yn Ln." You stated.

"Officer Ln." Officer Oh finished. "Officer Oh Gyeong Tae." He introduced.

You smiled as you continued to walk off.

You saved him during an investigation

You were speeding down the street, desperately trying to find Gyeong Tae. You were talking to him on the walkie talkie earlier when you heard a yell then the line went dead. In a panicked state, you got into the police car and sped off to locate where he's at. You pulled up to a building that was covered in flames then sprinted inside and up the stairs. You kicked the door down to see some guy kicking at Gyeong Tae.

"Hey!" You yelled out, grabbing the thug's attention.

The thug tried to punch you but you grabbed their wrist and elbowed them in the stomach. The thug fell to the ground which gave you the opportunity to knock them out cold with a swift kick to the face. You hurried over to Gyeong Tae and helped him up. You escorted him out of the building before it collapsed.

During the hospital visit, you asked him what he was doing there.

"I was trying to uncover a murder mystery." Gyeong Tae replied.

"Why you didn't call for backup or anything?" You asked.

"I...didn't want to worry you." Gyeong Tae admitted.

"I would've been willing to help, you know that." You stated.

Gyeong Tae had a look of embarrassment on his face as he looked away from you.

"I just didn't want you to get hurt." Gyeong Tae mumbled out. "I remember what happened to you and I don't want for you to risk getting hurt."

"Gyeong Tae, I've been in boxing classes." You stated. "I can fight, and I would do it for you, even if I die trying."

Gyeong Tae grabbed your hand.

"Don't say that...I don't know what stuff is gonna be like without you." Gyeong Tae pleaded.

You kissed his hand as you got up.

"Trust me, evil can't kill me that easily." You spoke as you walked out the room.

Su-yeol accidentally told you about Gyeong Tae's feelings

You were in your office when Superintendent Ryu Su-yeol walked in.

"Something up? I heard you got promoted to superintendent." You spoke.

"Just came to ask how's Gyeong Tae." Su-yeol replied.

"He's fine, he's getting out tomorrow." You answered.

"That's good." Su-yeol chuckled out. "Last time I was there he wouldn't stop talking about how sexy you looked taking down that th-I...I mean..."

You looked up at him.

"Wait what?" You asked.

"Uhhhhh..." Su-yeol dragged out as you cocked an eyebrow at him. "Uh, I think the chief needs me!" Su-yeol lied as he ran out the room.

You chuckled as Gyeong Tae began to cross your mind.

"He is kind of cute though, I am planning on taking him to coffee when he gets out." You thought as you continued to loaf around in your office.

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