Random Headcannons- Dating V

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You two met when you crashed his car

You were at your worse. Your partner left you for your best friend, your pet passed away, and your rent payment was closing in on you while you were low on payment. You decided to go for a drive in order to calm your nerves. Well, that backfired completely when you were in your train of thought and you accidentally crashed into a car in front of you. In a panic, you hurried out of the car to see the damage.

You looked up at the owner of the car to see a young Korean man who began to yell and cuss at you immediately. Since you had your emotions bottled up after you've been through a lot, you began to break down and cry. The angry owner's expression quickly changed from pissed off to sympathetic as he stopped cussing at you and tried to comfort you.

"Hey, hey, I'm sorry." The man apologized. "I'm sorry for raising my voice."

You continued to cry, which began to grab everyone around you's attention. The man began to panic a bit. 

"Please stop crying, I'm sorry I yelled at you." The man begged.

He didn't know what to do next, so he just pulled you into a hug while he rubbed your back. Your sobbing began to die down as this man continued to hug you tight. Your heart then began to beat rapidly as the man pulled away.

"Are you alright?" The man asked.

"Yeah, sorry for acting like that...I just been through a lot." You croaked out as you wiped away your tears.

"Do you want to talk about it?" The man asked. "Don't worry about the damages now, I can take you somewhere to drink in order for you to calm down." He offered.

You smiled as you nodded your head then you two began to walk.

"So, can I get your name?" The man asked.

"Yn." You replied.

"Kim Tae-hyung."

He gets jealous when it comes to his friends talking to you

After 3 months of being friends with Tae-hyung, you were introduced to his friends. Tae-hyung began to regret it when he noticed how Jungkook was being a little too friendly with you. He would clench his jaw whenever Jungkook gives you a hug, he would glare at Jungkook whenever he sees him talking to you, and he would always try his best to jump into the conversation between you and Jungkook.

"Tae-hyung, what is your deal?" You scolded. "You've been doing this ever since you introduced me to the guys."

"It's nothing." Tae-hyung lied. "I just don't like how Jungkook is being with you."

"Dude, you have no say on who I can and can't talk to." You pointed out.

"I just don't want him talking to the one person I li-"

Tae-hyung covered his mouth before he finished his sentence, but it was too late. You caught on what he was gonna say and just looked at him with a smug smile.

"I-I-I mean...I..."Tae-hyung stammered out.

You chuckled as you stepped up to him closer.

"Kim Tae-hyung, are you jealous?" You asked in a smug tone.

Tae-hyung's face turned red.

"I knew he did because he's been looking at me like he wants to kill me." Jungkook pointed out.

You didn't say anything, you just hugged Tae-hyung while he stood there frozen.

"You could've just told me." You chuckled out. "I liked you ever since the day I crashed your car."

Tae-hyung just hugged you tight while spinning you around as the other guys go, "Awwwww".

He brought you on stage one time

You've been with Tae-hyung for about 3 years now. He and his hyungs are now the boyband, BTS. Tae-hyung invited you to a concert and you were pretty nervous because the fans knew that Tae-hyung was in a relationship, but they didn't know with who. You were waiting backstage when you approached by security guards who escorted you to the stage.

"This Yn, my partner in crime." Tae-hyung introduced you as the crowd went wild. You froze as you stared at the crowd, which Tae-hyung noticed. Tae-hyung hugged you tight, trying to calm you down, but that made the crowd go even more wild as the pressure became too much for you and you fainted.

"Yn! Oh my gosh!" Jungkook exclaimed as he and Tae-hyung both tried to carry you off the stage. Tae-hyung stayed with you until you woke up and he apologized for introducing you like that. You just chuckled as you pecked his forehead.

Fighting for your love against Yeontan

Ever since you came into the picture, Tae-hyung's dog, Yeontan, has been stealing your attention away from Tae-hyung. Whenever you and Tae-hyung hugged, Yeontan would jump on your leg, whenever you two try to kiss, Yeontan would get in between you two and give you kisses, and whenever you lay on the bed or on the couch, Yeontan would be cuddled up next to you, much to Tae-hyung's dismay.

"C'mon Tan, it's my turn to cuddle with Yn." Tae-hyung ordered as he reached out to pick up Yeontan. Yeontan tried to nip at Tae-hyung's hand so Tae-hyung jumped back.

"I guess he doesn't wanna move." You chuckled out.

"But I wanna cuddle with you." Tae-hyung whined.

"Later, okay?" You offered.

Tae-hyung pouted as he stormed off. You laughed as you rubbed Yeontan's head.

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