The Goblin, The Grim, and The Shapeshifter-1(Gong Yoo and Lee Dong Wook)

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Y/n keep running and running deep into the forest while the hunters continued to chase Y/n down.

"Get back here!"

"Your kind is not welcome here!"

"Die vile creature! Die!"

The angry hunters yelled. Y/n continued to run while morphed into a horse, galloping deeper and deeper into the woods until Y/n found salvation in the form of a log. Y/n morphed into a fox and hid into the log. Y/n heard the sounds of the hunters clamoring and footsteps booming as they all ran passed the log Y/n was hiding in. Y/n sighed in relief but remained in the log in case the hunters come back.

"Is my power a blessing or a curse?" Y/n thought.

Y/n's POV

It's been a minute since I wrote in this booklet but here we go. My name is Y/n and in case you all don't know, I'm a shapeshifter. Many years ago, my ancestors were a long line of shapeshifters but the first ancestor to become a shapeshifter was my great great great grandfather. He had a heart for all living creatures land, air, and sea. My mother told me, when I was little, that he prayed to the gods to become a shapeshifter just so he could become one with nature. The gods granted his wish and he became the first shapeshifter to ever exist. However, what was once a blessing from the gods was seen as a curse among many villagers eyes. 

My grandfather was banished from the village but it never stopped him from finding true love. He met my great great great grandmother in the woods. She was a young girl who spent her time outdoors and she and my grandfather both shared their love for nature. Once their love was discovered, my grandmother was forbidden to see my grandfather but she defied him and continued to sneak out at night to see my grandfather. One night, they've decided to share their love and that was when their first kid was born. My grandmother's father found out and was furious and wanted to have my grandfather executed but my grandmother begged for mercy to which her father denied. My grandfather was executed but my grandmother lived to take care of their child until she breathed her very last breath. 

The family line continued until it was down to me and my parents. But, alas my parents were killed by the hunters. They came with torches and burned down the home we lived in. I still remember the words my father told me before I fled;

"Run Y/n. Continue our family line for us and for you."

Ever since that, I've been on the run from hunters ever since. I've been hiding in every nook and crevice just to avoid getting my own blood on those hunters hands. Will I even continue on the family line?


Nighttime had fallen. Y/n had woken up from a nap and peek out to see if the hunters were in sight. They're weren't. Y/n crawled out of the log and continued the walk into the woods. 

"I really hope those hunters don't come after me and kill me...I made a promise to my parents to continue on the family line." Y/n thought. Y/n then shapeshifted into a raven and began to fly in the air in search of a new habitat.

In a castle

There lies within a castle are two men. One was tall with slicky black hair and he goes by the name Goblin. He's the guardian of the souls to the castle and he wears his role like a badge of honor. His friendly rival is none other than the local reaper, Grim. Grim is the guider of souls to the afterlife and a real lover of animals. 

It was a quiet night in the castle with Goblin reading in the East Wing of the castle. Grim peeked his head in to see Goblin reading then a light bulb went off in his head. Grim used his telekinesis to move the pages in the book which made Goblin confused.

"What the?" Goblin said. Grim smirked as he tossed the book out of Goblin's hands. Goblin got up to retrieve the book but Grim moved the book over some. 

"Such an idiot." Grim thought to himself. All of sudden, Grim felt his foot slip and he fell flat on his back.

"What the?" Grim exclaimed. "The floor's not even wet!" Goblin looked down at Grim and smirked.

"You thought you were the only one trying to play a prank, huh?" Goblin asked as he chuckled. Grim frowned as he got up.

"Whatever." Grim grumbled out as he dusted himself off.

"What can I do for you my grumpy knave of a friend?" Goblin asked.

"Nothing, just came to tell you that I'm going to go get some stuff for dinner." Grim replied as he grabbed his black coat and matching hat.

"Hurry back and please, don't get squids because you remember what happened last time." Goblin said. Grim nodded his head as he walked out.

"Note to self; Remember to slip squid into Goblin's dinner tonight." Grim thought to himself as he chuckled. Grim went into the village to go to the local store. Once he got the groceries, he was about to head back to the castle when he saw a raven fly by. Being fascinated by the raven, Grim chased the raven down. 

"Come to Grim you beautiful creature." Grim said. The raven saw Grim and flew down to him. Grim stuck his free arm out to let the raven rest there.

"You are a beaut." Grim said as he tickled the raven's chin. The raven squawked at him making him smile.

"I could use a familiar, would you like to be my little ally?" Grim coo'ed. The raven jumped onto Grim's head making him chuckle as he began to walk home. When he got to the castle, Goblin looked to see the raven on his head.

"I said bring back dinner, not dirty birds." Goblin said.

"Silence Goblin, this is my familiar." Grim grumbled as he set the groceries down on the table. The raven flew onto the hat rack and looked around the place. Goblin walked up to the raven.

"Hmm, I guess you're not so bad." Goblin admitted. "A little filthy but okay." The raven began to peck Goblin in the face.

"Ow! Ow! Okay I'm sorry!" Goblin yelled as the raven continued to peck him in the face. Grim just stood there and laughed.

"Okay, I love this bird." Grim thought to himself.

It was bedtime. Grim changed into his black silky pajamas and made his way to the bedroom. The raven flew in and rested on the headboard. Grim chuckled as he scratch the raven's head and laid down in the bed.

"Goodnight my familiar." Grim said as he turned off the light.

To Be Continued...

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