You've Stolen My Heart-Berlin(Money Heist Korea-JEA)

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20 years ago(Before the mint heist)

You were a detective in the police department. You were well known for being really dedicated to your work and hate it when your time is wasted. The police force has been on the hunt for North Korea's Most Wanted. Nobody knows his name yet, but you remember seeing a picture of him. He stood at 181 cm(roughly 5'11), has short black hair, and was 21 years old. From what you heard from another detective, he was well known for the North Korea Prison Riot.

You worked tireless to find this man and lock him up to where he won't even see daylight ever again. Today, you heard a report from a local museum that the golden lucky cat was missing. That's one of the most valuable possessions ever! You were speeding in your car on your way to the museum.

"I'm not letting that bastard get away that easily!" You yelled to yourself as you hit the gas. When you got to the museum, it was too late.

"Where is he?" You asked as you got out. "I'm with the police force, Detective Y/N L/N." You showed your badge to the security guard.

"We lost him." The security guard sighed in disappointment. You slammed your badge down in rage.

"Dammit!" You yelled out.

"I'm really sorry but he got out before the lockdown was in session." The security guard explained.

"How!?" You asked. The security guard shrugged his shoulders.

"Wait, where were you when the cat was stolen?" You asked.

"Um, in the bathroom?" The security guard replied nervously. You crossed your arms.

"Okay, I was in the bathroom asleep." The security guard confessed.

"It's a wonder how you even still have your job as a security guard." You insulted as you walked back into your car and drove off. Your walkie talkie screeched some feedback.

"Detective L/N, did you catch the thief?" You heard the chief asked.

"Negative chief, he got away due to the security guard's incompetence." You explained. 

"This is some bullshit." You thought to yourself as you continued to drive. When you got to the police department, you were greeted by the chief.

"Detective L/N, why don't you clock out early? You've been working really hard on this case." The chief offered.

"Chief, you know I don't eat or sleep until a case is closed." You refused.

"But it's not good for your health." The chief pointed out. "Go home and relax, I'll see you in the morning." 

"Thank you sir." You thanked as you bowed down to him and walked out of the police department. When you got home, you sighed as you took off your shoes. You went to your laptop to do more research on North Korea's Most Wanted. There was a news article that was uploaded recently about today's robbery at the museum. A picture of the culprit appeared up and it was North Korea's Most Wanted.

"I knew it! It shouldn't surprise me that he was able to get in and out with such ease." You mumbled out. While you were scrolling through the article, you grew a bit hungry so you got up to cook you some rice. It wasn't much but it was enough to at least ease your growling stomach. When you came back into the living room, you noticed that your laptop was closed. This weirded you out because you left it open when you went into the kitchen. You opened your laptop up again and saw that the article that you was on, was closed out.

"Okay, someone's here." You thought to yourself as you grabbed your gun and loaded it.

"Alright, come out because I know you're here!" You yelled out. You heard a noise which made you snap your head to see that a potted plant was knocked over. You picked it up and then you felt as if someone was behind you. You quickly turned around and saw no one there.

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