K-drama Preferences-What they do when they're home alone

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Gong Yoo

He would steal your snacks. Oh yeah, this is guy is guilty all the way. When you're not in the house, he would sneak into the fridge to eat some of your snacks. You kept thinking that you've already eaten them or never purchased them in the first place until one day, you caught him redhanded.

"You thief!" You scolded as he ran out of the kitchen like a mouse. You chased after him.

"I'm sorry! You pick the best snacks!" He yelled back with his mouth full.

Lee Dong Wook

He would be writing his fanfics. This guy right here loves to write during his spare time but, he really does enjoy writing his angsty fanfics about werewolves and vampires. One day you were cleaning when you stumbled upon his black journal. Being a bit curious, you opened it and began to read his fanfics.

"Hey Y/N, have you se-" Dong Wook walked in and saw you reading his fanfics. "Hey!"

Dong Wook tried to grab the book from you but you ducked and began to run out the room with him right behind you. He wrapped his arms around you and lifted you up off the ground.

"Gimme that!" Dong Wook ordered. You laughed as you gave the book back to him.

"So this is what you do during your spare time huh?" You asked as he put you down.

"Only when you're not in the house." Dong Wook replied as his face turned red. You continued to laugh.

"Not funny." Dong Wook whined.

"Oh I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing because you writing isn't bad compared to what I be writing." You admitted. Dong Wook's eyes grew wide.

"What?" Dong Wook began. "You write fanfics too?" You blushed.

"Well, some have been about you." You confessed. Dong Wook cracked a smirk.

"Hmm, and I think I know where you write them on too." Dong Wook said before he darted off to go find your laptop.

"No!" You yelled chasing after him.

Wi Ha Jun

He would be pole dancing. Okay, yes, he dances overall but he never revealed that he likes to pole dance. No, he's not working as a stripper...he just likes to do it because it's enjoying. You were getting suspicious about something because you thought that he was seeing someone during your relationship so you planned to catch him in the act. You got home from work early and came home to hear music coming from y'all bedroom. You opened the door and startled Ha Jun, making him fall off the pole.

"Fuck! My head!" He groaned out as he got up.

"What are you doing? When did you install a pole into our bedroom?" You asked as you examined the pole.

"I thought you were at work." Ha Jun said dodging your question completely.

"Answer my question Ha Jun." You demanded as you crossed your arms. Ha Jun sighed.

"Alright you caught me, I like to pole dance when you're not in the house." Ha Jun confessed. "I just like it, okay?" You didn't say anything but just sat there on the bed.

"Well, aren't you gonna continue?" You asked with a smug smirk on your face. Ha Jun smiled as he walked back to the pole.

Park Hae-soo

He enjoys watching soap operas. You sorta found out when he was being too detailed about a soap opera show when it was mentioned one time but you wasn't a hundred percent sure that he watches them until you caught him watching it one night. You were asleep when you heard the TV on downstairs in the living room. You made your way downstairs and saw him.

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