Goblin: Short People Problems

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So you have the height of a child compared to the Grim Reaper and Goblin. They both find it adorable when you can't reach high places and have to call either one of them to help.

Kim Shin, Goblin, most def would be the most playful when it comes to your height. If you two were out and about and someone were to ask about your height, he would always reply;

"Yn's fun sized, and that's what I like." Kim Shin joked. You punched him in the shoulder as he laughed.

"Stop telling people that I'm fun sized!" You scolded.

"Awww is the baby getting fussy?" Kim Shin coo'ed out as you crossed your arms. "Do you wanna go get something to eat?"

You kicked him in the shin making him grab it and hop around in pain.

The Grim Reaper is less playful but he loves picking you up like a little kid. You were reaching for something when you felt yourself being lifted off the floor.

"Need a hand, small one?" Grim joked. You just looked at him then grabbed a box of cereal and bonked him on the head with it.

Sometimes him being able to pick you up was more helpful in certain situations. One time you went out drinking with him and Goblin and you got completely wasted. Grim was able to pick you up and tuck you underneath his arm with ease.

"I swear it's like babysitting." Grim mumbled out.

"Yeahhh because I'm y'all babbbyyyy." You slurred out while laughing. 

With you, you tried to be more sexy when it comes to your height. So, you decided to wear one of their dress shirts. That sorta backfired because the dress shirt was long enough to be a long night shirt or gown for you to wear. You did wind up tripping over it so Kim Shin went over to pick you up.

"You done playing dress up, doll?" Kim Shin asked as you looked at him with a straight face.

"I'm tryna be sexy for you two." You explained. The Grim Reaper chuckled.

"Your height is what makes you sexy." The Grim Reaper replied. Your face turned red as you wrapped your legs around Kim Shin's waist

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