A Bunch of Dudes and A Little Lady-5

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With Spider

"Hey boss! How are we gonna find that girl now that we know who got her?" One of the goons asked.

"Spy work." Spider simply replied. "I've hired someone to do that as well, come on out." A young lady had stepped out with a smug smile on her face.

"Boys, this is Nadia, she is the best spy there all is." Spider explained.

"Who is the person I will be spying on?" Nadia asked in a Russian accent. Spider showed her a picture of me. Nadia cocked an eyebrow.

"A little girl?" Nadia asked.

"Her father owed me and some people money but he decided to sell her instead." Spider explained. "However, she ran off and now we need to know where she's at so we could find her."

"Hmm, might I also suggest a threat note or something as well?" Nadia asked. Spider looked at her confused.

"What do you mean?" Spider asked. Nadia pulled out her computer.

"I can easily search the girl up." Nadia said while typing on her computer. "Alright, so this is what I found about her."

18 years old
Father is $40,000 in debt
Mother is deceased
Currently staying with famous actors; Anupam Tripathi, Park Hae-soo, Lee Jung Jae, Lee Dong Wook, Wi Ha Jun, Gong "Ji-cheol" Yoo, and Heo Sung Tae
Has a pet cat named Morticia
And her real name is-

"Alright, that's all the information I need." Spider interrupted. "Hmm, now how are we gonna do this ransom thing?"

"Might I suggest kidnapping the cat?" One goon suggested.

"Hmm, okay."  Spider said. "Nadia, your first order of business is to bring me that cat, I'll work on the ransom note."

"On it." Nadia said as she left the room.

With me

I was in the tree watching the sunrise with Morticia. Morticia curled up on my stomach while I pet her and smiled.

"Hey." I heard someone say. I turned to see Dong Wook.

"You just love being in a tree, do you?" Dong Wook asked. I nodded my head. Dong Wook looked at a branch on the other side of the tree and prepared himself to jump. Dong Wook jumped up and climbed onto the branch then looked at the sunrise.

"Hmm, this does feel peaceful, I can see why you like being up here every morning." Dong Wook stated. "I remembered when I was little, my mom never let me climb trees or go to parks or anything like that." A light bulb went off in my head then I got down from the tree. I motioned Dong Wook to come down as well. Before he could actually climb down, the branch snapped and Dong Wook fell to the ground.

"Ow! Ah, my back." Dong Wook groaned out. I helped him up and we began to walk out the house. Morticia decided to climb back into the tree and go back to sleep.

Me and Dong Wook went to a nearby park.

"Oh, this is where you wanted to take me?" Dong Wook asked. I nodded my head as I led him to the swings. Dong Wook sat down and began to swing then he began to chuckle in amusement.

"Hey, this ain't so bad." Dong Wook chuckled out. I smiled as he continued to swing higher and higher. While I was swinging, I jumped off the swings and stuck the landing. Dong Wook tried to do the same only to fall and faceplant himself. I helped him up and dusted the dirt off his clothes.

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