My Crush the Delinquent: Kang Sae-byeok

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It was after school at Hwang Dong-hyuk High. You were walking out the school when you looked at the corner of your eye to see Kang Sae-byeok. Quick information on her: She's known as the toughest girl in school. She earned her title as "Toughest Person in School" after she defeated Jang Deok-su in a fight. After that, nobody dared to get on her bad side because if she was able to take down the strongest man in school, she's able to take down anyone else. You would be lying if you said that you never had a crush on her. There was something about her that made your heart swell everytime you see her.

You watched as she lit a cigarette and took a pull. You frowned because she was smoking in a non smoking area so you decided to confront her.

"Hey! Has anyone ever tell you not to smoke in a non smoking area?" You scolded. Sae-byeok cocked an eyebrow at you.

"Has anyone ever tell you to mind your own business?" Sae-byeok retorted back. She had you there but you still stood your ground.

"You're smoking in an area of education so it's sorta my business." You dumbly replied. "Okay that was a Karen reply." You thought to yourself.

"So, what are you gonna do, snitch?" Sae-byeok asked in a condescending tone.

"If it'll get you to stop smoking here then yes." You replied mocking her tone.

"Hmm, someone got balls." Sae-byeok pointed out as she stomped her cigarette out and walked towards you. Your bravery evaporated the minute she got closer to you. Her eyes pierce your soul making your heart race.

"A-and? You think I'm scared of y-you?" You stammered out. Sae-byeok slammed you against a pillar as heads were turning towards your direction.

"Oh, I know you're scared of me." Sae-byeok said as she leaned in. Out of reflex, you slapped her making everyone gasp.

"Y/N slapped Sae-byeok."

"No one has ever laid a hand on Sae-byeok."

"Y/N is going to die."

You grew even more scared as she smirked.

"Okay, now I'm pissed." Sae-byeok said as she raised her fist at you. You acted quickly and punched her in the stomach making her fall to the ground. This gave you the opportunity to run. You ran and ran and never looked back.

"Oh crap, why did I do that?" You thought to yourself. "Sae-byeok's gonna pulverize me if she sees my face again!"

Cut to the very next day at school, you did your best to avoid Sae-byeok at all costs. When after school hit, you were walking out the school when you felt someone grab you and pull you to aside. Thinking it's Sae-byeok, you began to apologize profusely.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hit you! It was out of reflex!" You cried. You opened your eyes just to see Deok-su.

"Relax, it's me." Deok-su chuckled out. "I heard what you did to ol' girl the other day."

"R-really?" You asked.

"Yeah, you got balls." Deok-su commented. His crew chuckled behind him.

"Did you just bring me here just to tell me that?" You asked.

"Nah, I was wondering, since you got some fighting spirit in you, why don't you join us?" Deok-su offered.

"No thank you." You politely declined. Deok-su frowned.

"What? It's an awesome offer, don't you wanna be tough?" Deok-su asked.

"Look, what I did the other day was a reflex and out of self-defense." You explained. "just because I did that, doesn't mean I plan to become some mindless deliquent like you." You covered your mouth after saying that. That sentence angered Deok-su. You shoved him and began to run with him and his crew right on your tail.

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