K-drama Dudes Preferences: A secret regarding you that they won't reveal

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Gong Yoo

He wouldn't admit this to you but he loves it when you wear one of his dress shirts. He loves it when your rack hangs off it. He still plays it off as you being childish but he finds it sexy in an innocent way it deep down.

Lee Dong Wook

He wouldn't tell you this but he always liked the idea of trying roleplay where he acts out as one of his characters like Moon Jo from Strangers from Hell. If you were into it along with some knifeplay, that would be his biggest fantasy regarding you.

(God don't strike me for that one >.<)

Wi Ha Jun

He likes it when you try to dance but wind up looking silly doing it. He would watch you dance with your music plugged in and just smile at how cute it is...until you turn around and catch him staring. You were embarrassed but he kept telling you to keep going because it was adorable.

Park Hae-soo

He always cuddles with one of your belongings when you're not in the house. Whenever you're gone for a long time, he would get lonely. One day, you were on a week long business trip and he was missing you so much. He saw the stuffed bumble bee, that he gave to you on you guys' 4 year anniversary, and held onto it while laying down. When you came home at night, you walked into the bedroom and saw him asleep, cuddling the stuffed bumble bee. You smiled as you pecked his cheek and placed the covers over him.

Lee Jung Jae

He likes it when you're trying to be serious. To the public eye, he looks like the serious one but he has the heart of a playful child. When it comes to you, he takes you trying to be serious as a challenge to get you to laugh. It works but that's why he likes it when you're serious.

Anupam Tripathi

He don't know why but he always wanted you to pat his head. He thought you might find it weird but he thinks that it'll give him that calming feeling. One day, you did it when Anupam was sleeping. When he felt your hand pat his head, he smiled in his sleep, feeling calm and loved.

Heo Sung Tae

He loves it when you wear all black, especially leather. Since he's well known for his myraid of villain roles, he always wore villain or bad guy related costumes. One day, you were rummaging through your closet when you came across an old biker outfit. You decided to try it on to see if it'll still fit. You were standing in the mirror when he walked in. He looked at you in shock, which confused you.

"What? Do you like it? It's an old outfit." You said. Sung Tae just picked you up and carried you to the bed.

"I love it! Please wear more of this often!" Sung Tae said as he pecked at your neck making you giggle.

(Oh man...I hope y'all readers are happy about this one >.<)

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