chapter 50

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During dinner, I wonder how Ryujin is doing with her family dinner. I know she's not a fan of her grandpa but she has no choice but to go.

After dinner, I let Eva play with Travis for a little bit before bed. It's funny how Travis and Ryujin have played with Eva more than Dana ever has.

My phone rings and I see it's him. I go to my room to answer it.

"What do you want Dana?" I say coldly.

"Are you really choosing to be with that girl?" He asks.

"Yes. Eva likes her too."

"I won't allow my daughter to be around that filth!"

"Why do you even want us back? You have your girl you've been sleeping with. Be with her. Leave us alone. You never saw Eva as your daughter anyways."

"I see her as mine now" he says probably thinking what he said makes him sound like a good person.

I scoff at him, "How stupid are you? You should have acted as her father the moment she was born."

"You only want us back because you're afraid your friends will make fun of you if they find out I'm dating a girl now" I add on.

"I will report you for kidnapping. You left without approval to take Eva with you" he threatens.

"You're an ass! I can't believe I ever dated you! This is why people shouldn't do drugs because they would end up with a piece of shit like you! The only good thing that came out of that hell of a relationship is Eva!" I finally lose my patience.

"You think you can win against me?" He laughs.

I scream because I can't take it anymore. My sister runs into the room in a panic to see if I'm okay. She grabs my phone from me and hangs up on Dana. "What happened?" She hugs me.

"Dana is an asshole. I can't afford a lawyer if he ever tries to take this to court" I cry out.

"If you need money for a lawyer I can help you" She offers pushing me away so she can see my face.

"I can't let you do that" I say wiping my tears.

"Why not? She's my niece. I don't want her to end up with Dana" She softly smiles at me.

"I don't mean to be rude about it but you and Travis are planning to get married. I know you've been saving up for that. I don't want to use that money" I sigh.

She takes a deep breath and she looks like she wants to tell me something but she's holding back. I raise my brow, "What are you not telling me?"

She closes her eyes, "You know, Ryujin and I talked a lot when she came to visit you at mom's house."

"Your point is?"

"She mentioned how you're afraid to lose custody of Eva so she asked me if ever you need help with anything that I would help you financially" she says.

"Karina, that's not right. She can't ask you to use your money on me" I say kind of disappointed Ryujin would do that.

"Not my money."

"What? What do you mean?" I ask curiously.

"Before you go off and get mad at her. She didn't ask me to use my money. She says if ever I see you need help for a lawyer or anything to contact her and she will send me money to give to you" She explains.


"Because she loves you. She knows how much Eva means to you and losing her will break your heart" my sister calmly explains.

I can't believe Ryujin would do that. I want to be upset that she would do something like that behind my back but thinking about it, she's doing it because she knows I won't accept it if she offers it to me.

"I have to get Eva ready for bed. Thanks Karina" I say about to get Eva.

"Don't get mad at Ryujin. She's just trying to help" she gives me one last hug and she leaves the room first.

I take Eva from Travis and give her a bath. I change her into her pajamas and tuck her in the blanket.

"Rujin story?" She ask.

"Not tonight. She's busy. Maybe tomorrow okay?" I say.

"Okay" she says sadly.

I give her a kiss on her forehead and bid her good night. I take out my phone to text Ryujin.

kitty_purrfect: call me later when you get a chance

I lay in bed next to Eva, watching videos on my phone while waiting for Ryujin to call. Dana hasn't stop texting me since the phone call earlier. I can't believe Eva and my unborn child will be related to that asshole.

My phone rings and it's Ryujin.

"Ello. Wassup?" She says after I answer the phone.

"Did you tell my sister you would give her money to help? Isn't that kind of lying? Going behind my back?" I ask.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to help but I know you won't accept help from me" she says.

"I'm not mad. Thank you" I say.

"Wait what? You're not mad?" She sounds confuse.

"Shut up. Don't make it seem like I get mad at you all the time" I scoff.

"Did something happen? Why would that topic come up between you and your sister?"

"Dana called earlier and said he's gonna try to take Eva from me. I can't believe a guy who didn't want to claim Eva as his would suddenly try to fight custody" I vent a little.

"You know I have a friend who has a baby daddy who said the same thing about their kid. Did you take care of the paperwork to register Eva?" She ask out of nowhere.

"No, Dana did because I didn't have energy while I was at the hospital" I say.

"Then maybe he didn't put his name in her birth certificate" she says.

"And?" I ask confuse.

"If he didn't then legally, in Canada, he has no legal rights with Eva. He can try to register to get legal rights but I doubt he would put in the effort. You should check her birth certificate" Ryujin suggest.

I get out of bed and go to the box that has our legal papers. I look for Eva's birth certificate and quickly scan it to see if Dana's name is on it.

"He didn't! The spot for father is empty!" I accidentally yell. I look back, afraid that I woke up Eva but thankfully I didn't.

"Ryujin. His name is not on it. I'm so glad he refuses to claim her as his. Oh my god. Thank you Ryujin!" I say almost in tears.

"But how did you think of it?" I ask.

"That friend I mentioned earlier was complaining because the guy didn't put his name down so he's not required to pay child support and I thought maybe Dana would do the same thing if he mentioned before that Eva isn't his" she explains.

"If you were here, I would give you the biggest kiss right now!" I exclaim.

"Don't make me sad. I love your kisses" Ryujin says cutely.

"When we see each other next, I will give you all the kisses you want" I say.

I yawn, feeling tired.

"Go to sleep, Yeji. We can talk tomorrow okay?" She says.

"Okay. I love you. Tell me how your dinner went tomorrow."

"Okay. I love you too. Give Eva a kiss for me" I smile at what she said.

We hang up and I can finally breathe. I get back in bed and fall asleep right away.

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