Midnight Adventures

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Eddie's a night owl, he won't settle until stupid o' clock in the morning, so expect lots of random midnight adventures or activities. These might include random dates to a diner late at night, midnight drives around Hawkins listening to music and talking about nonsense or deep stuff, or eating cereal from the box at 1 AM as you both play a game. Eddie's favourite thing to do at midnight is sit outside his trailer and listen to the nature and woods around the trailer park whilst smoking🍃, he gets to lost with all the owl noises, and loves having you sit next to him playing with his rings.

Steve isn't much of a night owl, but he'll stay awake for your theatrics. If you want to randomly eat snacks at midnight, he'll happily sit with you and smile at your ridiculous consumption of dry cereal. Steve likes stargazing as he finds it super romantic, so when you both sit by the window and let the breeze chill you, Steve will wrap a blanket around you and rest his head on your shoulder, kissing your neck and watching the stars, wondering how lucky he is to have you. However Steve doesn't appreciate the completely random questions you ask whilst he's trying to go to sleep.

Eddie Munson/ Steve Harrington Imagines+ Preferences Where stories live. Discover now