twenty two

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22. The Departed

"You did what?!" A shocked Damon asked through the phone.

"I took her to the hospital" Jeremy replied, "When you find your sister unconscious, you call 911".

"Jeremy, in trying to keep your sister safe, you just put her in more danger" Brayden said, "If the originals or Alaric find out that Elena is in the hospital, they're going to come for her, to either take her away or kill her".

"Right now, she's a sitting duck in there" Stefan added.

"Well, Meredith wants to keep her over here for observation" Jeremy informed.

"Jeremy, get Elena home, we're on our way" Damon said, after he hang up on the youngest Gilbert, he looked at his two brothers, "Have I told you lately how much I appericate you two not being the dumbest brothers on earth?".

"You know two of us need to keep moving, right?" Stefan asked, "If Klaus really is the sire of our bloodline, we need to keep his body hidden before Alaric finds him, kills him and we all end up dead".

"And one of us needs to go protect the stupid damsel in distress again" Brayden said, "You know, if I knew Jeremy's friendship would cost me this much, I would have never become his friend, but I'm telling you both now, I'm not going to Elena, you two decide between each other, might I suggest a good old coin toss?".

"Who has the coin?" Damon asked.

"I do" Brayden replied, pulling out a coin from his pocket, "So brothers, heads or tails?".

"Heads" Damon called out.

"I guess that means I'm tails" Stefan said.

Brayden tossed the coin in the air, he then caught it and put it on the back of his palm and showed it to his brothers, "Would you look at that" he said, looking at Stefan, "It's tails, tonight you're on Elena Gilbert duty, while your two older brothers take care of the big bad hybrid".


Once Stefan arrived back at Mystic Falls, he met up with Fae and both of them went to Elena's together where Elijah showed up, wanting to make a deal with Elena regarding Klaus's body.

"All we need is to take that stake away from him, once he's been disarmed the weapon's in my possession, my family will scatter to the ends of the earth and Alaric will follow us" Elijah explained.

"And you'll just run?" Stefan asked, having a hard time believing the original.

"We've done it before" Elijah replied, "Klaus and Rebekah spent the better part of a thousand years evading my father, what's another half-century while Elena's able to live out the rest of her natural life?".

"We finally stopped him Elijah, after everything that he's done to us I can't just let you bring him back" Elena said.

"I give you my word Elena" Elijah promised, "I will not revive Klaus within yours, nor even within your children's lifetimes, perhaps that'll finally teach him some manners".

"Why should she trust you?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, no offense Elijah, but you say you'll give us your word but not once have you stuck to it" Fae pointed out.

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