Part 63

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It had been a few days, or let's say, a week since Sasuke and I barely talked to each other. Everything we talked about was always work related, like rushing me to the deadline, asking for immediate change of schedules, blah blah end of story. (But at least he was able to pass the list of available jobs for Sai 'cause it's work related too.)

I admit the distance had been bothering me.

I admit that I don't like the feeling.

I knew this was about to come, he was done playing and I've expected it. I was much more disappointed on myself about it, I knew it was coming and still, I fell for it.

"Sakura," Sai said, immediately bringing me back to reality. He frowned with the look on my face, sarcastically imitating me.

I rolled my eyes and took my sight away from him.

"You okay?"
"I'm okay." I said bluntly.
"Boyfriend broke up with you huh." Sai teased as he sat beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"Shut up, I have no boyfriend, I'll be living alone for the rest of my life with dogs and puppies by my side, because guys are such assholes." I grunted.

"Hey, I'm a guy too you know. But I'm not suggesting you marry me. Well, there might be some exceptions..." Sai rubbed his chin as if giving a lot of considertions to his statement.

"Ew." I teased back and giggled. "How was the job list by the way?" I asked, leaving my mind out of the difficult situation.

"Hmm, meh, I got accepted on the Yukiro Photography, Arts & Crafts, I won't be needing it. Thank you though." Sai smiled happily.
"When will you be leaving then?"
"You want me to leave that badly?"

I rolled my eyes and hid my smile for a response and lied back on my bed. It was Sunday Evening. I don't even know if I had enough courage or energy or the right motivation to work with Sasuke for tomorrow.

"There are other guys who could treat you right, Sakura. Don't settle for someone who doesn't even know if he likes you or not." Sai said suddenly halfway when he was going out of the room.

I was left with silence and great realization from what he said. He was right, I shouldn't settle with him. There were far more better guys than him!

A buzz on my pocket had cutted my thoughts off, it was a call.


"Aki, why did you call?"
"Checking up on you."
"What is there to check? Ha ha ha."

"You okay?"
"I'm okay."
"You're a bad liar. Would you get out of your house?"
"I-I'm busy."
"Not that I heard of. Come on."
"I really am."
"Look out the window?"

With my heart suddenly racing with the expectation of seeing him there, I stood up quickly and looked out. There he was, standing in front of our house holding his phone and smirking over the sight of me. I felt my cheeks suddenly glow and started panicking.

There is no way out of this, is there?

I sighed and said, "Fine." before I tapped the end call button on the phone. Finally heading downstairs, I stomped on the stairs as Sai gave me one teasing look and mom one aww-thats-so-sweet kind of look before I opened the door and headed to face him.

"I'm taking you to dinner." Aki claimed.
"Let's go then,"
"Not that I'm sensitive about what you wear nor I love to see you sexy but we're heading to a fine dining restaurant so you might need to change." He chuckled as he look at me from head to toe, narrowing my eyes on him, I stomped back to my room and did what I had to do.

Dressing up with a pink slim flowy and floral dress, I stared myself in the mirror for a while and tied my hair on a cute messy bun style and added a bit of lipstick. Somehow I felt light and positive with the woman on the mirror who stared back.

After Aki and I arrived at the beautiful light litted restaurant with beautiful white flowers all over the place, the receptionist greeted us and lead us to a nearby round table on the middle restaurant.

"I don't really know if I eat fancy food." I said to Aki who smiled, as if expecting it.
"I know, I'm ordering simple dishes for us."
"Oh, tha-"

"Sakura?" A familiar female voice spoke beside us. The woman stood before me with her blonde shiny hair tied up in a ponytail and wore a lavender colored dress. "Sasuke's secretary right?" She smiled happily. I nodded and smiled for response.

"Sasuke, you're secretary is here." Ino said behind her back, giggling. My heart dropped as I glanced behind and found Sasuke looking back at me. I quickly took out my sight from him and said, "yes, I'm on a date," as I stared and smiled at Ino.

Wait what?

Aki suddenly looked at me confusingly, he was shock as I was with my statement.

"Well, nice to meet you, I'm Ino." The blonde woman offered her hand to Aki as they both shook their hands together.
"Aki." He said cooly.
"Well, I better go and leave you love birds. Nice meeting you Aki and Sakura. Jaa."

As my heart started to sink, I refused to look at Sasuke at all costs.

They were probably on a date too.

The difference was that their date was real rather than ours.
I rolled my eyes as I sighed relief when they were almost out of sight.

He found his new target, then.

"Do you want to leave?" Aki asked calmly.
"N-no need Aki, I'm hungry already ha ha ha."

I won't get affected with this anymore.
Not anymore, not anymore, I started to chant in my head.

Not anymore, please.

An electricity had traveled to my body when a sudden feeling of touch and warmth had met my free right hand resting on the dinner table.

Looking to what had happened, Aki took it and stared at me with his gentle golden eyes as he kissed the knuckles of my trembling hands and whispered,

"I'm here for you, Sakura."

● ● ● ●

A/N: Hello friends/readers! Thank you so much for reading my story SN! (≡^∇^≡)

I really am grateful for you appreciating the story I made! I humbly ask for a little patience from you guys because I must admit that I don't even know how I'll come up to this and that to finish it LMAO, and I'm very sorry for the late updates, I do have a job too so there are days I couldn't update it much when I grew tired with things I do at some days. ;≧ ▽≦)

But I really do like it when you ask for updates on my story, it's as if my story is so good haha I feel so flattered! (n˘v˘•)

So thank you guys for reading it and waiting for its next chapters now and then! Love you guys! (ノ゚▽゚)ノ♡♡

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