C2 | Part 11

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The unexpected sadness in Sasuke's eyes last night was the only thing Sakura couldn't forget. It was the only clear thing she could remember and probably bits of their conversation. The rest of the night? A big blur.

Sakura woke up on the same hotel that morning. She didn't know how she got here until she read a small note on the bedside table.

Half heartedly, she expected it was him again that brought her here like before. Yet the note was from Hinata and Tenten.

Just as she was about to lie down again, she just realized it was a working day - Monday. Quickly she fixed herself carelessly and took half an hour before leaving.

She was on her car when a call from the redhead rang on her phone. She accepted it and he was on her speaker as she drove to the office.
"Goodmorning, sunshine."
"Sasori. Hey."
"Any plans on telling me how or why did you got drunk last night?"
"How did you even know?"
"I have eyes everywhere."

"Tell me."
"Someone's on their grumpy hangover state. Just kidding. Tenten and Hinata called me. Seriously Sakura, I thought I could trust you by leaving you party on your own. Trust me, it'll never happen again."

"Stop babysitting me. I can handle myself."
"You would still be there in the bar- wasted and vulnerable- if it weren't for me. I called your friends since you weren't picking up."
"I'm not in the mood for this, Sasori."

"I'll come and get you."
"What? No! ...Sasori? ...Hello?"

Too late. He already hang up.
He was right though. It was clearly hangover. She could still feel the sickening feeling on her stomach as if it was about to explode and the painful ache she felt on her head. Sleep is what she wanted but it has to wait after she's done with her paperwork.

She arrived shortly at Youbi and got a lot of eye contacts from the employees but no convos and such. She doesn't know why, but it was probably because she looked different last night or she did something regrettable she doesn't remember, but what could it be? The possibilities were endless.

She walked acrossed the ever-sharp Sasuke on the last turn to her office. She knew he had noticed her but not a single word, not even a pause, came from him. Sakura found this irritating in a way.

You should be thankful that you're in luck, Sakura. You don't need to do the ignoring!

With her headache still keeping her from doing her tasks properly, she thought she ought to take a 15 minute break. Just as she was about to, the door on her office got two knocks and opened right away.

"Sasori." The cherry blossom said, surprised (with how fast he came). "My shift doesn't end until after 6 hours. Come back later. Or do you need anything at all?"
"You look wasted- but still beautiful. Come."

Just like everyday for the rest of their college years, personal space or boundaries didn't exist any more. With no warnings, Sakura was pulled by the wrist and she was struggling in keeping up with Sasori's big steps on the way to wherever. By then, they stopped, and Sakura knew they were upfront at Sasuke's office.

Sasori didn't bother removing his grip on Sakura's wrist, instead, it loosen itself and entwined his fingers to hers instantly as they enter his office, making the cherry blossom skip a heart beat.

"Sasuke. Good day." He greeted, still holding the pinkette's hand.
"Hn." He responded cooly as if he wasn't bothered with the view he was seeing now.
"Sakura will be taking her leave today. If you need anything from her at all, feel free to send us an email. Me or hers. Doesn't matter. We will be heading out now." The redhead smiled, and Sasuke found every angle of it annoying.

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