3: Three sent for slavery

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~Ruo Fortress~

Walking through the wilderness that Lea now knew as Ruo Fortress from the books she had read, she noticed something amiss. Rather than what was being seen, it was uneasiness to what was unseen.

She slowed her walk, slowed her breathing and calmed her nerves. Closing her eyes as she slowly continued to walk onward. Then before the unknown stranger could land a hit on Lea, Lea turned around and gave a high kick towards the head against the intruder. And with all her might, she turned her foot downwards, together with the intruder's head.

With the weight of her force, she/he was knocked on the ground in seconds.

Without waiting for another chance, she kicked the unconscious intruder's leg where it was tender. It broke easily.

Seeing the events that just occurred, the intruder's companions retreated a few paces before they could recover slightly, enough to realize there was just one against their many number.

But Lea was determined to defend herself. Unbeknownst to them all, a short shadow was watching the whole event behind the trees where Lea came from.

Silence controlled the surroundings. During the few seconds of stillness, Lea had gauged out her attack patterns against the 9 intruders. Silence was killed in an instant when five of the intruders jumped on Lea.

Three of them were equipped with short swords and were thrusting and brandishing them all at the same time. With her nimble feet and ample time to counter, she crouched low enough to avoid the range of the short swords. Thereupon, she used her right foot to perform a side kick to an unarmed intruder, breaking his/her jaw. Using the time the attacked opponent was stunned, she used him/her to raise herself up in the air to do a roundhouse to the temple of the two intruders with short swords, leaving only one of them armed and one unarmed.

The four others planned to stay back, but after the short moment of distraction, they regretted their decision. Thus, they also decided to join the fray. All four gave chase to Lea, narrowing down the space she could run about. But they did not know, it did not matter if there was enough space or not, Lea would still strive to defeat them all. And she would succeed.

Gaining enough momentum due to the intruders' surprise, Lea decided to end the battle swiftly by aiming for her opponents knees with her strong kick and punches. All the while, most attacks coming her way were evaded by either a small turn or by hitting the vital joints before the completion of the attacks. One dropped on the ground, Lea stomp his/her heart. Another was side kicked to the heart, while a throat was crushed on the other.

Slowly, Lea was reaching her short goal. One by one, the intruders collapsed on the ground, either with broken nose, throat, ligaments or concussion. Nobody survived, except for those who were unconscious.

Then she slowly moved towards her first offender, took him/her by the cloth and dragged him/her away with her. Left alone behind the trees, the short silhouette couldn't stop trembling, but slowly, it continued to follow Lea on her tracks.

~Ruo Shore~

"Hm..." She had realized when the intruders attacked her that the possibility of her companions staying at the shore could be lost. Although one theory pointed to blame the intruder, there was also the possibility of her companions having left without her.

She sat up the unconscious body by a seating log. She then proceeded to start a fire. It was almost early evening, and she could feel herself getting hungry. But before she could think of fishing, the unconscious person stirred from its sleep.

Closing in, Lea lifted the person's chin and removed the mask covering the face. It was a woman, and she was gaining awareness. When she fully woken up, she felt so much pain on her leg that she couldn't stop herself from shouting. Lea immediately covered her mouth, and the woman then noticed her. Whimpering due to pain, the woman's eyes swam about but tried to focus her attention on Lea.

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