129: Red Soil

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[Lea!! Nill! Lill~!! I've been waiting for a loooong time!] Exclaimed Mill, ignoring the secret signals of warning Nill has been throwing at her ever since they could detect one another's presence. Unfortunately, Mill ignored everything else, immediately rushing towards Lea and into her inner core.

Without waiting for her to be asked of what she had found, she immediately ran her mouth dry.

[This here is a flat land with nothing, and no wild animals! Militants did not even come here at all, but I cannot figure out why! Can someone tell me? Hm? Tell me, tell me! I really do not understand what soil this ground is made off, but it scares the day light out of both wild animals and humans alike.

As a Spirit myself, I feel ominous staring at this red soil with nary a stalk of grass. But... but... all of the sudden, not too long ago, an explosion of essences spread all over the area and I could not understand what was going on. Did I mention I stopped here because this area feels really strange?

I was really going to the direction you were telling me to, Lea! But this red soil here seems really unusual. I wanted to figure everything out before you come and get me, but... after that explosion of essences, nothing has happened at all!]

When it seemed like Mill was never going to stop her dutiful reporting, Nill stopped her while providing Lea a concise summary of Mill's rumbling. She really cannot leave her younger sister to waste time.

[Lea. I know where else you can find red soil. It's in---]

[Solitario Isle, I know.]

[Indeed. Because of the rumors surrounding the island, many groups of adventurers braved the foggy dead forest, only to die in our hands by entrapping them in a cycle of bad dreams. As many of the braves died on the ground of the forest, the commonly found dark brown soil eventually turned to red.]

Mill shivered hearing her eldest sister speak indifferently of the consequences that occurred in the dead forest. She only remembered the order from their ancestors to keep away anyone outside of the red village, the sanctum for those who have been abandoned by fate. Hence, she did not pay attention to whatever happened to those humans who have died. But thinking back, it was indeed dreadful to pile up dead bodies, becoming fertilizers onto the ground, consequently changing the color of the soil.

Based on what Nill said, the expanse of red soil Mill had found could be a burial ground. This jungle held too many secrets, and obviously, anyone who could discover these secret could never live another day.

[Mill had also said that there was an explosion of essences not a long while ago, which confirms what we know. Since there was initially no essences, when they did come around, they immediately gathered around the dead bodies, as if filling up empty vessels. But in actuality, the essences were attempting to recycle what was left of the dead's spiritual essence, breaking them down into natural essences in the air.]

The more Nill explained, the more Mill understood. She could not help but frantically look back on the red soil again, looking as if babies would pop out of nowhere. Quietly listening to Nill, Lea silently agreed to everything she had said. Without having anything else to be done at the area, Lea decided to depart, only to feel another presence coming at lightning speed.

Cautiously, she backed away to the nearby rocky walls, Bright and Yun Na behind her. It was beneficial to minimize the area of exposure to better anticipate unexpected attacks at a controllable range. Therefore, Lea only had to lookout for anything around roughly 180 degrees angle in front.

Just as she expected, a strange entity revealed itself at the center of the burial grounds, the red soil looking ever lively and fiery sitting below the stranger. After a moment of silence, Lea breathe out an inconspicuous relieved sigh.

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