145: Eden Kingdom Destroyed

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"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
- Maya Angelou

"- Maya Angelou

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The King of Eden has reigned for over 30 years, and for all these years, he relied upon his Kingship to live a good life and be safe against the Apostles' silent threat.

He allowed his citizens to suffer, allowed many children to be abducted despite knowing what they were gonna be used for. He allowed everyone else but his children to suffer the cruelties of the domineering organization.

For many years, he lived well. And he would have continued living his leisurely days if he had not sentenced the Fang and Paterson families to die. 

On that day, when they were about to be executed, he met the harbinger of death with her friends in tow. They were not to be underestimated.

In moments, he saw his soldiers die without a fight. He could not believe his eyes and he was engulfed by so much fear that he easily bent. Henceforth, he could see glimpses of the nightmare, making him fear that girl whose eyes he understood was looking down on him as if he was but an ant.

Now, before him was that same harbinger of death. Even if her hair has changed its color to that of pure black luster with streaks of white, the crimson eyes that did not know fear remained, if not even more terrifying. 

He could not help but feel the urge to pee once again when he heard her say, "I am here to instill fear."

Thereafter, she commanded everyone to migrate out of Eden Kingdom. But who were these people she was talking to? They were born and raised in this beloved land, so how can they just move out because of a mere girl's words?

Alas, she was not but a mere girl.

As his officials were murmuring in doubt, he was already feeling a foreboding when he saw her eyes on one particular official. And he knew this official very well for the serious crimes he had committed throughout the years, yet nobody could touch him because his family was powerful and his associates were no less influential.

He then saw this official levitate in the air and forced to face the girl in fright. Who could be courageous now if you were suddenly hauled up in the air without notice? 

What was even more fearsome for all was her next words that sent shivers to everyone's spine. 

"Confess your sins and I shall let you go."

She wanted to prove to his people that she was serious about her intentions. And he just knew this will not end well. But he was merely a cowardly King, shaking like a leaf when he saw her once again. She has become even more powerful than the last time he saw her, and that wasn't even 2 days ago.

When his official refused to admit, a finger plopped onto the floor. All murmurs ceased as fear finally spread in everyone's heart.

But for him, the King who had seen her cruelties before, merely held his throne's handrest tight as his heart was beating fast. He was not excited, just scared.

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