Chapter 199 If You Only Knew

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Lucy slipped out of bed and took a quick shower while Gabe still slept. It was close to midnight and she was starving as their amorous activities had halted the pizzas she was preparing earlier in the evening. She had left a pizza in the oven and it was only half baked so she turned the oven back on to finish it off. She poured herself a glass of wine and waited at the counter for the time to wind down on the clock. She couldn't help but close her eyes and flash back to what had happened earlier in the evening. Just thinking about it made her warm inside all over again. She loved the feel of him inside her. She loved the way his hands had touched every part of her. The buzzer on the oven sounded and interrupted her thoughts of him. She pulled the pizza from the oven and grabbed a plate from the shelf. She was absolutely famished.

She bit into her pizza slice pulling a long strand of cheese with her mouth.  "God, you make eating pizza look sexy." His voice startled her.

"I was hungry. I didn't want to wake you." She handed him a slice and he took a seat at the table. She joined him with the rest of their dinner. His appetite was hearty and he ate the majority of the pizza. She got up to fix him a drink. He reached for her arm and pulled her to his lap.

"Lucy, I like being with you."

"The feeling is mutual." She smiled running her hands through his hair.

"No, I don't think you understand." He began to speak but Lucy interrupted him.

"Yes. I do. Don't get carried away by the sex, Gabe. You may not feel like that tomorrow so whatever you're going to say, don't say it tonight. I would prefer you talk with this." She patted his chest where his heart was. "Instead of this." She poked his groin. She got up and walked to the fridge handing him a soda.

"I know the difference."

"Do you, Gabe? Just how many women have you been with?"

"Enough to know what I want." He seemed disappointed that the conversation had turned. "Why the sudden change?"

"Because you're going to say something stupid like you love me and I don't want to hear those words until you really mean them."

"How do you know what I'm going to say?"

"Because you're a man and you all always say the same thing after sex. I love you. I'll always love you but you don't really mean it."

"Geez Lucy, who the hell treated you so badly that you have to label me in the same group?"

Lucy quit talking and cleaned up the kitchen. Gabe didn't quite know what to do. He just had the best sex ever and now he somehow managed to piss her off which was never his intent.

Admittedly, he was going to say the "L" word. He knew before she did that he loved her but if she needed him to not the say the words tonight, he was fine with that.

He followed her back to the bedroom not knowing whether he should pack his things and go or just crawl back into bed. She made that decision for him. "Are you going to just stand there or are you coming back to bed?"

He gave her no argument and slipped back into bed with her. She was practically on the edge of the side of the bed until he pulled her back into his body spooning her until she fell asleep.

He didn't understand why she didn't want to hear what he was feeling. He would have to take it slow if he was going to win her heart. He knew one day she would be his wife. She just didn't realize that he had already made that decision for the both of them.

John Legend-You and I

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